Setting up VR. Completely lost. Help!

With Nvidia 3D Vision. I just enable 3D vision then play any game I want. I thought VR was sort of the same as I thought VR was considered a screen. It's clearly way different. You have to use all sorts of middle-men programs like Pi-Tool, Steam VR, OpenXR, etc. It seems a lot of games you even use 2 programs at once.

1. So you set the resolution of the game via the game's graphics settings, then you can also set resolution in Pi-Tool, then, on top of both of those, you can also set resolution in Steam VR? So I can have the game running at 3 different resolutions at the same time??? Lol I'm so lost.

2. Also, how do I know if my view is in the proper spot in each racing game? I want my head to be exactly where my head should be if I was sitting in the car. Not higher nor lower, and not more forward nor backwards. How do I know this? I could be sitting in the car, for example, 40 cm too forward or too high compared to where my head / eyes should be if I was properly seated in the car. How do we know this? Without VR, you know you're always in the correct spot because you set the seat/eyes position yourself. How do I know this in VR?

3. Also, I tried starting a game (eg. RF2) just normally from steam. I didn't launch it from SteamVR (although I had it open) nor from Pi-Tool. Does where I launch the game from make a difference?

4. Does it matter what version of the game I play? With Nvidia 3D Vision, each game is rendered in 3D. Simple as that. There are no such things as "Do want to open RF2 or do you want open RF2 - 3D Vision mode". Yet, for some games, I see the regular version of the game, I see an Oculus version of the game, I see a Valve Index version of the game....So which one do I pick with a Pimax?

5. How do I know I'm using the correct FOV for every thing to be scaled 1:1? In 2D or non-VR 3D, you can just use a FOV calculator which I'm sure many here are used too. How are we supposed to do this with headsets? Do they natively always run in a perfect 1:1 with real life scale? If so, how can this be possible unless every game has manually had custom FOV pre-sets built into it depending which headsets it detects.

Man, this feels so sloppy. The way games half-effort implement VR? Heck, even the VR programs themselves are a joke. For example, I go make some adjustments in SteamVR and Pi-Tool in the world am I supposed to adjust things if I can't see what I'm doing? Why is SteamVR and Pi-Tool - and all of Windows for that matter - only showing on my regular PC monitor on my VR headset's screens? How am I supposed to make real-time software adjustments like software IPD, contrast, brightness, colours, etc. if I can't see anything? I have to unstrap my headset every time I alt-tab out of the game to do anything? Why wouldn't Windows itself be on my VR headset just like with any other PC monitor...I'm sure there's apps (even more programs to run) that can do this but why in God's name doesn't this happen by default? It's ridiculous.

Sorry, I had to rant. I LOVE true 3D / stereoscopic gaming and thought I'd make the jump from 3x 27" 3D Vision, 1440p, 1800R monitors but the past 5 hours have been a joke:
- I still can't even play any game properly because my view is sideways in game even though it's perfect out of game
- I still have no idea if I'm running a true, proper, 1:1 real-life-scale game FOV
- I still have no idea if my game's seating/head position is realistic
- I still don't understand why I can set resolutions for the game from at least 3 different programs simultaneously

I feel like VR is a very unrefined mess in the way it's implemented into games.
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I dont know anything about the pimax software other than if you thought there would be nothing to do, you probably picked the hardest headset to get going.
I think others are a bit simpler as far as getting in and going. For what I can help...

You may have to adjsut your seating position to your liking, sometimes I seem to not be in the right place on a new car and one way is to have the virtual racer in the cocpit and move until it looks like you are in his head position. Too far back and you are looking down his neck etc.

The default may be based on a person 5'10" etc to dont be afraid to be a bit different than default.

I think you need to pick index version of game to run it through steamvr for pimax. There may be another obscure option but that should work.

if running through steam vr you should be able to bring up your desktop in VR with one of the controller buttons.

Sorry, I can help with more specifics as far as pimax.
Most likely your vr controllers and simracing games allow for binding a vr recenter command that you will need, even on your wheel for quick readjustment while driving.
No idea what Nvidia 3d is, but I don't think you need it for VR playing.
What's your headset?
Im unable to launch rf2 on VR as well, I gave up on that sim years ago
I just checked if rf2 is still as it used to be. It is which means when you launch it from steam you need to choose the option to run its graphics config.

There is a drop down for VR and you need to select something other than disabled.

I find rf2 the most disappointing of everything in VR, most of the time because numerous tracks seem to be overexposed in daylight so it looks bland with little contrast.

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