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Edivad82 submitted a new resource:



Tires extension for RSS Formula Americas 2020.

-Soft without stripe
-Hard with green stripe for streets races.
-Hard (Optional) with red stripe

Copy extension folder into RSS Formula Americas 2020 main directory.

Copy 4 files into your skin folders.

Remember to flag Use Extended Physics in CM.

That's all folks!

Not perfect but I hope you like it!


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Hi, if I remember correctly the red - or now green - tyres were/are the softer tyres on road and street circuit, whereas in your mod they are the hard tyres. Do you have any new information that IndyCar will switch the tyre colour scheme for 2024 or is that an oversight on your part?
Hi, if I remember correctly the red - or now green - tyres were/are the softer tyres on road and street circuit, whereas in your mod they are the hard tyres. Do you have any new information that IndyCar will switch the tyre colour scheme for 2024 or is that an oversight on your part?
Yes, you have right. I'll go to fix. Thank you!
très bon mod mais je n'ai que 3 pneus différents. Je n'ai pas les rouges ? pourquoi le serais-tu ?? Merci pour votre réponse
Hello and thanks. To see all the tires you need to copy the tyres.ini file which is in the data folder. Extract the "data" folder from the "data.acd" file with Content Manager (see image). Remember to delete the data.acd file (make a backup first) and keep only the extracted folder. Tell Content Manager to read uncompressed content. Obviously you have to copy the "extension" folder by deleting the original one.

Bonjour et merci. Pour voir tous les pneus, vous devez copier le fichier tyres.ini qui se trouve dans le dossier de données. Extrayez le dossier "data" du fichier "data.acd" avec Content Manager (voir image). Pensez à supprimer le fichier data.acd (faites d'abord une sauvegarde) et à conserver uniquement le dossier extrait. Dites à Content Manager de lire le contenu non compressé. Il faut évidemment copier le dossier "extension" en supprimant celui
Bonjour et merci. Pour voir tous les pneus, vous devez copier le fichier tyres.ini qui se trouve dans le dossier de données. Extrayez le dossier "data" du fichier "data.acd" avec Content Manager (voir image). Pensez à supprimer le fichier data.acd (faites d'abord une sauvegarde) et à conserver uniquement le dossier extrait. Dites à Content Manager de lire le contenu non compressé. Il faut évidemment copier le dossier "extension" en supprimant celui d'origine.
View attachment 719644
View attachment 719645
je suis vraiment désolé mais je ne comprend pas, j'ai tout essayé mais rien ne fonctionne et je comprend pas se je doit faire avec le "data"
I'm here to help you. From the beginning.

When you install "RSS Formula Americas" mod in your car's folder you'll have inside a "data.acd" file. This file is compressed. You have to decompress it.
How to do:
-Open "Content Manager"
-Go to "Content\Car" and select "Formula Americas 2020" car (screenshot)
-On the bottom of the screen you'll have two option: "compress" and "decompress data" (screenshot)
-Press "decompress" to extract data folder from "data.acd" file.
-Go into "RSS Formula Americas 2020" folder and delete "data.acd" file keeping only "data" folder
-Inside this "data" folder copy and overwrite "tyres.ini" file with my new one
-Into "RSS Formula Americas 2020" folder delete original extension folder (if present) and copy my new one
Installation is now complete.
-Open "Content Manager" and go into "Drive\Single" (screenshoots)
-Select "Formula Americas 2020" car
-Flag "Use Extended Physics" (to enable wet tires) and "Use a decompress files if present"
Remember that "Custom Shaders Patch Preview" (pay) is needed to use "Rain FX" and "Wet Tires".
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I'm here to help you. From the beginning.

When you install "RSS Formula Americas" mod in your car's folder you'll have inside a "data.acd" file. This file is compressed. You have to decompress it.
How to do:
-Open "Content Manager"
-Go to "Content\Car" and select "Formula Americas 2020" car (screenshot)
-On the bottom of the screen you'll have two option: "compress" and "decompress data" (screenshot)
-Press "decompress" to extract data folder from "data.acd" file.
-Go into "RSS Formula Americas 2020" folder and delete "data.acd" file keeping only "data" folder
-Inside this "data" folder copy and overwrite "tyres.ini" file with my new one
-Into "RSS Formula Americas 2020" folder delete original extension folder (if present) and copy my new one
Installation is now complete.
-Open "Content Manager" and go into "Drive\Single" (screenshoots)
-Select "Formula Americas 2020" car
-Flag "Use Extended Physics" (to enable wet tires) and "Use a decompress files if present"
Remember that "Custom Shaders Patch Preview" (pay) is needed to use "Rain FX" and "Wet Tires".

ok cool, la bonne nouvelle c'est que j'ai trouvé le problème, je n'ai que le bouton compresser. serait tu pourquoi je n'ai pas l'autre ??
View attachment 721064
ok cool, la bonne nouvelle c'est que j'ai trouvé le problème, je n'ai que le bouton compresser. serait tu pourquoi je n'ai pas l'autre ??
Your condition is right because data folder is alredy extracted. You have only to erase original data.acd.
If you press compress, you will be compress data folder into data.acd

-Decompress DATA.ACD to DATA'S FOLDER (after that delete data.acd)
-Compress DATA'S FOLDER to DATA.ACD (after that delete data's folder)
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Hey all, getting back into using the Formula Americas and want to try this extension out. Does it affect the Tyre performance as well as the look? It seems like the defaults have equal performance from black/red (this could be incorrect on my part). Thanks!

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