If anyone has to do this Xbox 360 fix. If the instructions online call for drilling, they are wrong. The parts on a search for rrod lowes fix, if you find the (8) M5.8 x 10 screws with a 5/16 wrench head on it. You will only need to put the #10 nylon washer(no 5mm flat metal washer) on the screw then put in into the bottom of motherboard. Then place a #10 nylon on the top side, then the 5mm washer, and the heatsink to cover the one processor. You can snug these screws. Put the motherboard back in w/out the fan and put the front power switch back on. Then plug it in and power it on without the other heatsink to cover the other two processors. You should see the xbox screen start to come on and then the 3 lights. They should turn to 2 lights in a few seconds and power it off. Put the other heatsink on(the same as the above heatsink.) The put the fan unit, cover, and drive back in it, and power it up before putting the covers on it.