RF2 Slow to load

Paul Glover

I talk lots
Since yesterday RF2 is slow to load, sometimes not responding. Eventually kicks in, the game is fine once up and running.

Anyone else experiencing this all of a sudden?
Yes, @Paul Glover, what was the issue? Of course if you get rid of all/most content, it will load quickly. Have you added all back in and it is still fast loading? Which mods did you not resubscribe to--one of them is likely the cause of the initial extreme slowdown.

Sorry Marc, I was just looking to fix. I have not yet subscribed to all items in the workshop again so am unable to provide any insight.
I was gonna start a new thread but saw this and thought I just ask here as well. Don't wanna mix issues here and I will start a thread if you guys think it deserves one. But a quick answer will shut me up. :D

RF2 starts like normal, normal load times. Just recently upgraded my GPU from R9-290 to a Vega 56. Don't know if that plays a part, but ever since, first drive will be very awkward... Sometimes zero FFB and sometimes pretty much maxed out full FFB. Sometimes the steering wheel is not 1 to 1 on screen and my pedals on the floor but in game seems only halfway. I would exit track and check control settings and nothing funny there. And if I go back on track everything will be fixed.

It seems it's just always the first drive. Dang I can't count now how many times I crashed at T1 and all first race of the day needs a restart. It's always just the first drive. Exiting track and going back seems to fix it but it's annoying and a bit time consuming. Anyone have similar experience?
Another, slightly unrelated, issue we looked into was loading times. The good news here is we’ve found some improvements and our upcoming release will roughly halve those loading times. We’ve seen numbers being reported by testers indicating a 40-50% improvement.

Hate to see what it was like before!!!

my main rig loads it reasonably quick, but my secondary rig my friends use can take as much as ten minutes to load Lemans 2018, compared with 2-3 minutes on my main.
remember, when you first load any track, a new file has to be generated and that take longer for the larger tracks. But it shouldn't take 10 minutes unless your friend has a very poor harddrive to cpu throughput. (like an old Hewlitt Packard or other mainstream business focused computer). I used to work on friends and neighbor's computers when they screwed them up with virus's or malware. I could not believe how long it took most of the systems just to boot up. Stuff that I could have accomplished in 30 minutes with my less than cutting edge system would take hours while I waited for multiple reboots to wrap up.