Does anyone here use AMS as well (presumably!). What RealHeadMotion settings for the rF2 plug-in would mimic AMS at its default settings?
The HeadPhysics line in the AMS PLR file seems to work as expected and I really like the result at the default of 0.5. The same HeadPhysics line in the rF2 JSON file does almost nothing. The difference between 0.0 and 1.0 is very little. But on my default JSON file setup, it is very tame. Exactly the opposite of the sea sickness or jolting that is reported here. There is very muted effect even at 100% or 1.0. Maybe there is a different setting affecting it? If having trouble, try deleting the PLAYER.JSON file (keep a copy) and let the game create a new one. See if that makes a difference.
In the meantime, if someone knows the RealHeadMotion plug-in well and can save me hours of experimenting, I would appreciate knowing the settings that would be equivalent to AMS out of the box.
Thanks in advance.