rF2: Graphic bugs: Things to check first.

If you have graphic bugs. Check these things first:

If you ever had changed something in the nvidia control panel, turned HDR off, changed graphic cards, in the past. Your graphic bugs might be still present.

- Set your nvidia control panel for rFactor 2 to default !!! It messes with the Config.ini and cache !!!
- Clean up your "UserData/log/CBash" and "UserData/log/shader" folder
- Remove the player.json and config.ini (cut/past to desktop to keep a back-up)
- launche rF2 it will create a new clean config.ini and player.json.
- set your graphic settings again: only use settings available in rF2.

Tip: save your controller settings first. So you can load your personal controller profile again.

Quote from Tuttle (ISI Dev)

Starting from a clean installation, with a clean player/config file, the best way to proceed with graphics settings is to JUST use ingame settings, pushing on high AA levels and anisotropic filtering x8 or x16 (and of course good track/car quality settings)...and that without overriding anything via inspector and/or CCP.

(Also HDR must be ON if you want a proper modern lighting.)

This way you can load the game and check how it looks. If you see trees are looking properly (no alpha jaggies) and texture are sharp enough to see details into it (aniso texture filtering), you can decide to be happy (and stop tweaking)...or start experimenting extra settings, outside the game.

But this is the time where you can mess with profiles and configs, so you have to check every single step, and every single click you are doing with CCPs and inspectors, to see how things are working. May happen a CCP/Inspector change is going to mess the config.ini and cache... and you can't just roll back from those settings, without cleaning up that file (aka generating a brand new one). Same for the Players.JSON and Transparency AA, or xpaa, using False to make wrong trees looking better and then making correct trees looking wrong.

Still, the easy way to make the game looking at best, is to go easy peasy, with standard ingame settings. This is where you are working inside our choices, instead playing with a very big mix of variables we can't control.
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I have lots of weird graphical errors with my R9 290.

If i set Shadow to max i'm getting absolutely inacceptable black boxes under cars, interiors of cars disappearing in track cams, semi-transparent rectangles where headlights are and so on.
Add on top of that some texture flickering and the nice visuals go to hell :)

I know, i know, my fault going AMD, but well, can't be changed now without spending abother 350€, so this will have to do for now :)

Lower Shadow settings already help a lot, so that's okay.
And the texture flickering, ah well, at some point you get used to it :)
Thanks for the great help and advice. I was struggling with really bad jaggies and shimmering - mainly because I was sold a real bad dummy by another thread (at RD, sorry to say). rF2 is heaps better for me now, but I still would like a little more (wouldn't we all). I also have to confess to having an ATI card - R9 270X.
I have a couple of quick questions if somebody could maybe help me out please?

Clean up your "UserData/log/CBash" and "UserData/log/shader" folder

Could you be more specific about how this is done please?
Also, i don't see a run config facility, do I to change anything in config.ini ?
Is this correct - VideoDriver=0 - and this - ShaderLevel=0 ?

Thanks again. :thumbsup:
Could you be more specific about how this is done please?
Also, i don't see a run config facility, do I to change anything in config.ini ?
Is this correct - VideoDriver=0 - and this - ShaderLevel=0 ?

Clean up = delete all the files in these folders. rF2 will create new files when you load a car/track combo first time. Those files are based on your ingame graphic settings. So loading time will be a bit longer first time.
If you change ingame graphic settings, certain files will be overwritten based on your new ingame graphic settings. This won't or might not happen correctly if you manually override settings in nvidea profiler or ATI profiler.
If you know what you are doing and know how things work, you can experiment with override settings.

The run config: everything is accessable via the "launcher". Click on the "gear" icon and click on "video setting".
If you delete the config.ini file rF2 will create a new one based on your graphics card.
Only change values in the config.ini if you know what you are doing.
Thanks for the great help and advice. I was struggling with really bad jaggies and shimmering - mainly because I was sold a real bad dummy by another thread (at RD, sorry to say). rF2 is heaps better for me now, but I still would like a little more (wouldn't we all). I also have to confess to having an ATI card - R9 270X.
I have a couple of quick questions if somebody could maybe help me out please?

Could you be more specific about how this is done please?
Also, i don't see a run config facility, do I to change anything in config.ini ?
Is this correct - VideoDriver=0 - and this - ShaderLevel=0 ?

Thanks again. :thumbsup:
texture sharpening to 0 in plr file.
texture sharpening to 0 in plr file.
Hi Dan.
Thanks for the tip. I just tried it out but, tbh, I can't see any improvement. What should I be looking for?

The following is to everyone/anybody who can help.
In all honesty, I'm not very techie really, so please bear with me on this.
I recently upgraded my PC with an i5 4690K, Asus Z97-P and a Crucial MX200 250GB M.2 Type 2280SS SSD.
Edit: Graphics card is an R9 270X (Radion, OC ed., Saphire, 4Gb). There is a strong suggestion in this thread that ATI cards are not great for this sim.

I did this, mainly, to get rF2 to run better (which it does) and also so that future games would run OK (hopefully). I realise it's still a budget build but I kinda had a budget. I couldn't find anybody I could trust to build it for cheap (fair enough) so I had a go myself...... maybe I missed something... quite probable but other games run OK.

Anyway, thanks to this thread, the game runs OKish now. However, I'm dissapointed really. The shadows running around the Armco, and the stuttering reflections I have on the bonnet/hood, are really off putting. I turned off enviro reflections and that seemed to help, but every few seconds the reflections that are left on the bonnet kinda flash/jump to another scene??? which is even more distracting.

Anyway, I just had a play and found that setting texture filter to X4 Anisotropic & enviro refs to low seems to be about the best compromise. I've also got other display settings lower than recommended in this thread. I get around 90 FPS with a small amount of flickering. I can drive with it like that, but like I say, dissapointing.

So, do these settings/results seem reasonable to you guys,considering my specs? Is it just the graphics card holding me back, or was I expecting too much? Could anybody recommend a budget Nvidia card that would get me where I wanna be?

Sorry for the long post and thanks for all your help.

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Got a new Asus monitor this week and with some testing, I found the changing my screen setting made some nice improvements to the look of rF2.

Running with a GTX 960 2gb an set my monitor to "Theater" mode instead "Game", rF2 really came alive.
When in game mode the graphics still looked a little flat, but changed to theater made it the rF2
I was looking for without 2 hours of tweaking graphics :)

Tested with Fraps an found hardly any difference between screen modes like 1-2 frames only, just my 2 pennies which works for me.
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Got a new Asus monitor this week and with some testing, I found the changing my screen setting made some nice improvements to the look of rF2.

Running with a GTX 960 2gb an set my monitor to "Theater" mode instead "Game", rF2 really came alive .

Very Interesting observation because i been using "Theater" mode since the early release of AC on my 23" Samsung and now i recently purchased a Asus 24" 1ms @144hz and found "Theater" mode also the best in rF2 besides AC. The picture gives me a "Wow" factor in rF2.
I got a bit annoyed that rF2 wasn't looking like it should on my PC. So I thought stuff this and I bought a GTX970 Strix, a new PSU and another 8Gb of Ram (16 Gb total now). The game looks good and I get around 90 FPS at Mills in a Cobra in cockpit view, with settings on max.
But the game still draws shadows directly in front of the car. They move along the road or Armco just in front of me. There are sometimes 2 or even 3 levels of shadow. Closer to the car the shadows are dark, further away they're lighter and there is a clear border between light and dark.
It REALLY spoils the effect for me.
Please, can anybody help me to fix this?

Edit: Sorry, it's not drawing shadows on the track at Mills, just on the Armco. It's another track where it draws shadows as I drive along and I think it may be the track. I also just found the LoD bias clamp in the global settings on Nvidea control panel and that may have helped.
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  • Deleted member 130869

Are you representing ISI? :)

Of course not but if you have been active on their forums in the past, you've seen it. But your assessment raises a valid point. The way it's written comes off with the wrong tone ;). I'll let only devs post responses to problems.
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Hello i have following issue only Rfactor2
I changed from HD 7970 3gb to Nvidia GTX ASUS Strix 1070 / 16GB RAM together with ASUS MG279Q 144Hz monitor now i dont have issues with other games but in RF2 i have flickering of my screen not when i am on UI but as soon as i check RACE and get into the car , it looks like somebody is making photos with flashbulb . Also strange is when i check ingame screen then it says i have a gtx 1070 but with 4036GB instyead off 8GB
Did you completly uninstall the amd drivers with DDU and cleaned up the register with a reg cleaner? Before installing your new graphics card.

The Vram thingy is not a thing to worry about. It's a windows thingy. But it will use the full 8Gb of Vram

thx 4reply
OK . No i didnt clean anything cause lol i am totally unaware about things like that ex. what is a DDU and a reg cleaner where to find that.

update i found those 2 things , can you tell me how to proceed ?
whatever i select in reg clean to remove it wont remove gettin errors after ignoring errors its not deleting files either
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