rF2 Renault Megane vs Nissan 370z @ Sebring - Wednesday February 20th 2013

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

Marco Bijl

Axe Travels

Event Details
Car: Renault Megane and Nissan 370z
Track: Sebrng (Download here)
Mod: Click here. NO download from server Download here
Weather: Dry
Road condition: Pre-rubbered

Time Schedule
20:00 GMT Practice
20:30 GMT Qualification
20:40 GMT Warm-up
20:45 GMT Race 15 laps

Server and Teamspeak password: click here

Sign-up list:

  1. James Andrew
  2. Craig Booth
  3. Tiens Van Zyl
  4. Albert Muller
  5. Frederic Schornstein
  6. Marco Bijl
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver
A little strategic fun event :).
As we all know, the Megane is quicker then the 370z. So, that would mean an unfair fight.

However, if you pick the megane for this event, you have to make a pitstop for fuel. The 370's will easily run the 15 laps, so they save some time there.

What do you pick? The faster car with pitstop, or the slightly slower car, but no need to stop....... Tactics, tactics and tactics :).
Ok, now this was fun :p
Started out to only do qualy. Grid was not so big, but reasonable close (besides our local alien Frederic:p). I could not keep up with him, about 2 - 4 seconds, depending on how hard he pushed :p
James was quick with the 370, and I soon realized that my calculations where a little bit off, and that he should be able to win this if he could keep it constant.
Somehow, I managed to end up pole, after Frederic had to leave. James was behind, and Tiens was the third in row. Start went ok, nog great, but I managed to keep the lead, and take a little gap. Since the Megane is a bit quicker then the 370, which was right behind me, and James decided to give Tiens a hard time to let him pass, I managed to get a little gap between me, and Tiens who had gotten by. Within notime, he was on my tale again, but I managed to keep my head cool, and stay in front of him. Felt a lot of pressure, so made a unexpected move, and made an early pitstop. No tires, just fuel. Got out with a 30 second gap behind Tiens, but in front of James, who had spun unfortunately. Pushed really hard for the next few laps, and passed Tiens again when he made his stop. Got a 8 second lead, and 5 laps to go, so figured I could do a little bit more carefull, as I did not changed my tires. Bad move... Within 1 lap, Tiens got almost 2.5 seconds back on me, so I had to push again. My tires got worse, so it was hard to keep a good pace, but I did it :) I won mysefl my first clubrace on RD.

Damn I had fun. We talked about the smile on the face whilst driving rfactor2. Well, I can tell you, it was huge again.

Thanks again for being here guys, remember to post any new setups in the forum, and see you soon on track again. Now I have to think of a new event for next week :)

Marco signing out :p
I have to say it was epic fun :D

Still grinning. Pushed hard and as soon as Marco pitted I tried to push and pushed a bit too hard. Got out of the pits behind Marco and tried to catch up but was just too slow.

Great race everyone and thanks for setting this up Marco. James also had a good race and think if he had a bit more time to practice that he could have beaten the Meganes.

See you guys on track soon
My first race at Race Department and my first competitive RF2 outing. Small grid but friendly people.

I had done a few days of practice to get a setup that was drivable and fast enough to be respectable but to hear Marco say that I might have won if I'd managed to avoid spinning was a surprise. As it happened I did spin about four times but never hit anything and merely lost time.

I love mixed class and endurance racing plus Sebring is entirely new to me (as was the 370) so I was just loving every minute. Really enjoyed the chat and the racing and looking forward to more. Thanks everyone.

craig As I tell my wife all the time: there's a calendar/reminder on your phone, so use it!

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