That was a very eventful event I would say.
I had set up the sever to be dry, with clouds light till overcast, but 0% change of rain. It was also set to 2x15 minutes, but when I checked the server during practise it was completely setup differently? An other staff member had accidently shut it down and noticed his mistake and tried to re-start it with different settings? We will probably never found out.
Anyway, when I had restarted the server with dry settings (clear all the way) it again started raining.
I really had a WTF moment. It was racing time and when we started rolling off the line My screen turned white whit here and there a black dot. Yep it was all the spray from all the catrs in front.
When braking I almost ended up in a spin and collided with Ian. Sorry agin mate!
When it started raining again I went in for wets and drove them till they fekll apart, it was dry again, so went back to slicks... 1 lap later... yes you guessed it right... it started raining again....
This time I decided to stay on slicks as there was only less than 10 minutes left..
Came to the finisg as 5th and had started as 6th? 7th?
Very eventfull event indeed which were hard conditions, but very fun. We had pretty much peeps on TS, but every one was in full concentration mode, so not much talking during the driveing
Hope to see you again soon guys!