Recalibrate loadcell? (V3s)


Hi guys,

No help from Fanatec or the fanaforum so one last try over here before i start looking for a replacement.

I have some 5 year old V3s where i think the brakepedal is acting up a little. It seems way to easy to "max" out. It's set to BRF and i've even bought a new loadcell after mentioning the problem to fanasupport. No difference with a new loadcell unfortunately. It's the same when connected directly to my computer with a USBcable.

Is there any other options to adjust how much pressure is needed to "max" it out?
So a loadcell will also have an amplification circuit with it that determines the overall range. This is typically set with a number of resistors on the various pins they have. If you find the amplification circuit and those resistors I suspect you might spot one of the resistors has shorted (easy enough to check resistance with a meter). Worst case the amplification component has failed internally but this I think is a bit less likely.

The other possibility is that something has become connected to ground that should not and this is also breaking the comparison.

Fanatec support not being a more iconic duo than Fanatec and bad support!

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