Apps "Rear accelerate light" mod (to get informations as rear brake light) ; is it possible ?

We got the rear brake lights which give us essential informations of the drive of the car front of us.

Would it be possible to add a mod showing "rear accelerate light" too ?

--> I imagine a simple light that we can enable on the AI opponent's car boot zone (or upper, like name's tag), showing red (brake) / green (accelerate) / nothing or yellow (inertia).
--> If in this light there could be also the number of the gear currently in use, would be really useful too !

(I think it could be helpful (for beginners like me) to learn a new track / have a clearer and sooner understanding of the car's behavior / AI's "idea" of what the ideal racing is)

I'm not dev or modder, just sharing my thoughts : if a competent person like the idea and wanna do it...
And If I can do something with my "windows" (lol) competence (research, copy / paste, write in ini files...), would happy to help ;)

Have a good day !
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Ok I see, big annoying work in perspective xd
But if it's not so complicated, I have some time to do it.

Can you explain me your idea / give me a direction ? What would be the process, where to look, which files are concerned ?

You'd create an extra model for the car in the spot you want the light, attach it with a csp extension, and then use a light script to make it turn on with throttle. I don't know if that's something you can do directly in the extension or if you'd need to write a lua control but it's definitely possible.
You'd create an extra model for the car in the spot you want the light, attach it with a csp extension, and then use a light script to make it turn on with throttle. I don't know if that's something you can do directly in the extension or if you'd need to write a lua control but it's definitely possible.
Ok thanks,
Everything you tell is new for me, so I'm gonna learn these basics and be back when I'll have pertinent question ;)
Have a good day !

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