This is normal for championships, we've seen disappointingly big drop-offs in leagues were only premium members can participate as well.
Previously, before premium membership, it was "licensed member", if you lost the license you wouldn't be able to race on any RD servers. Even then we've experienced seasons with 50-60 sign-ups and 16-20 drivers driving the second to last rally (which somehow often is the rally with fewest competitors). In fact, last season we had about the same amount of drivers in the 6th rally as Rally NZ this season, but we had almost 100 more sign-ups in total.
We know it will happen, and it is a choice we make, to open it up for everyone, which does make it easier for people to sign up and "forget" about it.
I'm sure there are things we could've done better as well, to keep interest higher and/or people to not forget about this.
Hi, what you've done so far is great.
That reminds me of the old RBR times. A championship as well organized as this is definitely an exception.
Maybe you can expand the scoring. When I notice that I can hardly get out of 30th place and thus never get on the board .....
But if they are listed overall and can also fight for 41st place, some may stay on the ball.
By the way: 20th place in New Zealand Yihaaaaa
And a great fight with Aaron and Robert. THX