RD Rally Championship Season 8 - Rally World

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A screenshot of my run last night in current RaceNet event of RDRC League.
This game is really amazing! :thumbsup: We will have a great championship!
Hi all, thought I'd share my last daily challenge of 2016 on PS4 with you all.
(edit) Moved video to RaceTube. Sorry!
I've signed up for the championship on PS4 in the 2WD+ class with the 037! :D I'll post some practice runs soon. Should be messy ;)

Happy New Year all, looking forward to a competitive 2017
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Finally sat down and figured out how to reskin the Opel. This is my first time at the rodeo, so now I have to get some of the colors more vibrant apply the windshield banner and brewery stickers on it. Not horrendous for a first go around I thought. Continuing to pre-season test at Monaco.View attachment 165851
View attachment 165852
Excellent, good to know someone else is entering the Kadett as well, but i can't make the skins like you :(
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