RD Prediction Game 2010

I can trust you %100 mate. But you know if we let you, then we have to let all :( Really sorry :(

Actually i should have warned you before about Korean's early first practice than usual times :redface:
lol Bram, your prediction may be wrong, but it really pushed Schumacher forward :D,(did you phonecall him before race?) 4th is his record this year!


Vettel and Webber crashed many of our predictions. Alonso's victory was fruitful for some. And Ryan Callan took his 2nd victory of this season.

  1. Ryan Callan - 16
  2. David Garcia - 12
  3. Ondrej Kapal - 11
  4. Ross Balfour - 10
  5. Gaetan Legastelois, Georgios Davakos, Lewis Owen, Eric Estes - 4
  6. Omer Said, Bram Hengeveld - 3
In general standings, Ryan and Eric closed the gap with Omer. Last 2 rounds will be very close and tough, let's see..

  1. Omer Said*** - 99
  2. Ryan Callan** - 93
  3. Eric Estes* - 89
  4. Lewis Owen** - 83
  5. Ondrej Kapal*** - 76
  6. Richard Kay - 71
  7. cronnie* - 70
  8. Max_Yvan Liegrace** - 59
  9. David Garcia** - 58
  10. Giorgos Davakos* - 57
  11. Ross Balfour - 51
  12. Danny Pattiwael** - 50
  13. Peter Duivelaar - 47
  14. Gaetan Legastelois - 44
  15. Resi Respati* - 27
  16. Abdul Ahmed - 22
  17. Viljar Parts, Sergio Marques - 20
  18. Philip Antonia - 16
  19. Edgar Herrero - 13
  20. Eric Kaczmarek, Tom Watts*, Ramon Van Rijn - 10
  21. Dave Stephenson, Mike Bell - 8
  22. Pedro Lima - 5
  23. Peter Bartfai, Conor Caple, David Guehennec - 4
  24. Bram Hengeveld - 3
  25. Matthew Gutteridge, Chris Butcher - 2
  26. Danny Asbury, Gary Ludlum, Xose Estrada - 1
*= Victory
General Standings Before Brasilian GP

In general standings, Ryan and Eric closed the gap with Omer. Last 2 rounds will be very close and tough, let's see..

  1. Omer Said*** - 99
  2. Ryan Callan** - 93
  3. Eric Estes* - 89
  4. Lewis Owen** - 83
  5. Ondrej Kapal*** - 76
  6. Richard Kay - 71
  7. cronnie* - 70
  8. Max_Yvan Liegrace** - 59
  9. David Garcia** - 58
  10. Giorgos Davakos* - 57
  11. Ross Balfour - 51
  12. Danny Pattiwael** - 50
  13. Peter Duivelaar - 47
  14. Gaetan Legastelois - 44
  15. Resi Respati* - 27
  16. Abdul Ahmed - 22
  17. Viljar Parts, Sergio Marques - 20
  18. Philip Antonia - 16
  19. Edgar Herrero - 13
  20. Eric Kaczmarek, Tom Watts*, Ramon Van Rijn - 10
  21. Dave Stephenson, Mike Bell - 8
  22. Pedro Lima - 5
  23. Peter Bartfai, Conor Caple, David Guehennec - 4
  24. Bram Hengeveld - 3
  25. Matthew Gutteridge, Chris Butcher - 2
  26. Danny Asbury, Gary Ludlum, Xose Estrada - 1
*= Victory

Rules are very simple,
with using this template ;
  1. 10 points
  2. 6 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 1 point
Pole Position : 3 points
Fastest Lap : 1 point
First DNF: 1 point

You will write your predictions and reply to this thread before the Friday Test Session's beginning of the corresponding race.

Also this is not for one race. This Prediction Game includes all rounds.

Good Luck everyone !!!:thumbup: