GT5 RD GT5 Championship S1 - Archive

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Lotus Elise - Promo.jpg

A dedicated thread for all of your RDGT5C media releases:
  • Car presentations
  • Driver presentations
  • Team presentations
  • Video race reports
  • Picture race reports
  • Etc...
RDGT5 S1 - Event Format & Rules


Regulation Settings

Car Restriction: Lotus Elise 111R RM
PP Restriction: None
HP Restriction: 215HP Maximum
Weight Restriction: 720KG Minimim
Tire Restriction: Racing Hard
All Driving Aids: Off - ABS 1 Maximum

Event Settings

Game Mode: Normal Race
Laps: See Round Thread
Start Type: Grid Start
Grid Order: Race 1 - Fastest First / Race 2 - Reversed from Previous Race Results
Boost: Off
Penalty: None
Auto Race Start Cycle: Off
Race Finish Delay: 180sec
Grip Reduction: Real
Mechanical Damage: Heavy
Tyre/Fuel Depletion: On

Practice Session - 20 Minutes - 19:00 GMT
  • Official practice will start at the exact time stated.
  • All participants must join the lobby during this 20 minute period.
  • Participants are free to chat, drive, tweak, or do whatever they like during this session.

Qualifying Session - 10 Minutes
  • Once qualifying starts, no-one else may join the event, signed up or not.
  • During this session you must not exit the track back to the main lobby.
  • You may enter the pits by either driving in or using the pause menu to exit.
  • You must not stop during qualifying. If you need a break, go to the pits.
  • When on an outlap, check your mirrors. If someone is on a timed lap, you must let them pass.
  • Headsets must be muted for the qualifying session.

Race Sessions

Post-Race Intervals - 10 Minutes
  • Participants are free to chat, drive, tweak, or do whatever they like during this session.

Important: These rules are necessary due to the way the game works. Failure to follow them fully will not only ruin your own qualifying time, but will also invalidate the entire qualifying session. Anyone breaking these rules will be disqualified from the event.
RDGT5 S1 - Vehicle Regulations


Your vehicle must meet these regulations exactly in order to be eligible for the championship. If your vehicle is found to be in breach of these regulations or using unapproved upgrades, you will be immediately disqualified from the championship. You may also be banned from future championships.

Note that a new vehicle's BHP will increase slightly over time due to engine run-in. You may use the engine limiter if your vehicle goes over the maximum power regulation. However, you may NOT use the limiter to allow the use of unnapproved upgrades (ECUs, exhausts, etc). Your vehicle must naturally be at or above the weight restriction, as you are NOT allowed to use ballast at any time.

Vehicle: Lotus Elise 111R '04

Race Modified: Yes

Additional Upgrades:
  • Fully Customisable LSD

Power: 215HP Maximum

Weight: 720KG Minimum

Tyres: Up to and including Racing Hard

Driving Aids: All off - ABS 1 Maximum

If you have any questions regarding the vehicle regulations, please ask them in the Discussion and Q&A Thread.
RDGT5 S1 - Information (Read First!)


League: RaceDepartment GT5 Championship
Season: 1 (2011)
Divisions: 1
Game Required: Gran Turismo 5

Notice: Special thanks to Matthew Schofield for suggesting the car, most of the tracks, and doing the bulk of the testing.


Welcome to the very first RaceDepartment GT5 Championship. It aims to put the skills learnt in the club events to the test. You will be driving in a more competitive environment as there are points up for grabs in every race. At the end of each series the best driver will be crowned champion!

However, with added competition comes added responsibility. While you do not need to be an uber pro in order to take part, the expected standards are high. Every driver is expected to follow the rules and regulations at all times, and those that don't will be penalised accordingly. Ignorance is not an excuse!

There will be twelve (12) positions available for this championship and it is open to all licensed members. However, the staff reserve the right to decide who will actually participate based on a number of criteria such as:
  • Driving standards
  • Commitment
  • Participation in Club events
  • Participation in previous Championships

Drivers & Teams

RDGT5C S1 is for single driver entries only.

Vehicles & Liveries

Click here to view the vehicle regulations. Your vehicle must meet these regulations exactly in order to be eligible for the championship. If your vehicle is found to be in breach of these regulations or using unapproved upgrades, you will be immediately disqualified from the championship. You may also be banned from future championships.

You may paint your car whatever colour you like. However, each driver must have a unqiue number. Please specify what number you would like to use when you sign up, making sure that there are no preceeding sign ups asking for the same number. If you request a number that has been requested previously, you will be assigned a number by the staff.


Round 1: Tsukuba Circuit - 20th June 2011
Round 2: Nürburgring GP/F - 27th June 2011
Round 3: Suzuka Circuit - 4th July 2011
Round 4: Côte d'Azur - 11th July 2011

Session Info

Practice: 19:00 GMT (20 Minutes)
Qualifying: 19:20 GMT (10 Minutes)
Race 1: 19:30 GMT - Fastest First
Interval: Following Race 1 (10 Minutes)
Race 2: Following Interval - Reversed Grid

Click Here to view the Event Format & Rules.

Point System

P1: 15
P2: 12
P3: 10
P4: 8
P5: 6
P6: 5
P7: 4
P8: 3
P9: 2
P10: 1
P11: 1
P12: 1

No points are awarded for pole position or the fastest lap.


This is the most important part of the briefing that you need to understand! If you accept the invitation to drive in the championship then we expect you to be present for all races during the season. If you miss an event without giving any notice the staff reserve the right to remove you from the championship. You also risk termination of your licensed member status on RaceDeparment.


It may happen that the rules get violated. In such cases it is up to the drivers to report the violation. The staff encourage this and will only investigate incidents that are reported by drivers.

No report = no investigation = no penalty

A report can be sent to the staff by private message. It must always contain:
  • The name of the league: RDGT5C S1
  • The name of the reported driver (the violator)
  • A short description of the incident, without rant. (Include lap number and location on track)
  • A video of the incident, if possible. If you are unable to capture replay footage, please be as specific as possible in your description so that the staff can easily find and review the incident using their own replay.

You must always send the report with your own forum account. You can only send a report if you were actually in the race. Reports from outsiders will be not be considered. After the sending of a report the staff will then investigate the incident. Incomplete reports will not be considered.

Reports must be sent within 24 hours of the of the race ending. Reports that are submitted too late may not be considered.

Championship Regulations

The Championship Regulations are laid out in a document for the 2011 seasons. As the Championship Regulations differ slightly to the Club rules, everyone must read them before signing up. You must also read the Event Format Rules as they are imperative to ensuring that events work correctly.

Championship Regulations

Event Format Rules
I was wondering if you know how long it will take before PSN will be back online?

And to get this straight, I am allowed to upgrade my car how ever I want to do so as long as I reach the BHP and Weight limits that have been given? (I just happen to get lost in the updates that are allowed and I don't want to break the rules)
I was wondering if you know how long it will take before PSN will be back online?

I have no idea. Sony have given no indication of when PSN will be back up, which is one of the reasons I have given no dates as to when the championship will start.

And to get this straight, I am allowed to upgrade my car how ever I want to do so as long as I reach the BHP and Weight limits that have been given?

No, incorrect. The only upgrades you are allowed to use are listed in the Vehicle Regulations post.

For this championship you need a Lotus Elise 111R, which you then race modify in the GT Auto section. After race modification, the only other upgrades you are allowed to apply are a Fully Customisable LSD and Racing Hard tyres. Anyone found to be using any other upgrades will be disqualified from the championship.

I just want to say, the creation of this league has exceeded all my expectations. Massive thanks to everyone who's been involved :D

You deserve some of that thanks yourself since using the RM'd Elise was your idea, as were most of the tracks we'll be running on. :)

I think Ive read all the posts but I cant find out what days you're planning to run this? Im not looking for exact dates, just what weekdays we're talking about?

Championship events will be run on Monday evenings, every other week. The event start time will be the same as club events, 19:00 GMT. The reasoning behind every other week is to try and minimise any impact on club event attendance.
I know about RDGTC (I wanted to enter myself), but there will nearly always be 'something' running at the same time regardless of what day we use. Monday is the day preferred by those regularly attending the club events, so that's what we're going with for now. Maybe future seasons will use different days.
1. how points will be given to evryone that finishes.
2. Calender.
3. Sign up date.

1. That is explained in the Regulations, section 5.7.
2. TBA = To Be Announced. Please be patient. :)
3. As I said above, I have given no dates because PSN is down and no-one knows when it will be back up. There's nothing I can do about that, unfortunately.

Now my question is, if there are more then 12 sign ups what will you do then?

As is explained in the Championship Information, the staff decide who drives. If there are more then twelve sign ups, drivers will be picked based on the criteria listed there.
Championship Rounds Revealed

The tracks to be used in the first season of RDGT5C have been revealed!

Round 1: Tsukuba Circuit
Round 2: Nürburgring GP/F
Round 3: Suzuka Circuit
Round 4: Côte d'Azur

Round dates are still TBA, pending the PlayStation Network coming back online.

Thank you for you patience! :)
Tbh those 3 points were not questions, they were the list of things that are left.
Btw even if you got the Regulation Section 5.7 you got to post it in the information post you made for this league as it is limited to 12 drivers. (well it is not a most but it is a normal tradition here in RD leagues :) )

Anyhow, once again thank you for all the answers. I will see if I will sign up for RDGT5 S1 or RDGTC S4.
Tbh those 3 points were not questions, they were the list of things that are left.

Right... well thanks then, but I already know what still has to be done. :)

Btw even if you got the Regulation Section 5.7 you got to post it in the information post you made for this league as it is limited to 12 drivers.

5.7 says that the scoring system is used by all official RD leagues unless stated otherwise. It doesn't matter if there are 5 drivers or 50. People should be reading the full regulations document anyway, so there is no need to repeat the same information here.
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