RD Formula Manager - Season 9

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does that mean we will have the exact same weather in races, or do your predictions just serve as a guide/seed and the game randomly generates the rest of the weather?

They are only the starting conditions. Weather change in races are completely randomized before each race.
Phase 1 has ended. Drivers List and Teams List are updated.

Now it is time for the 2nd phase of pre-season:
- Managers will bid drivers by sending me private messages. It will be an organic process. Drivers will discuss with you as if they are real people. 500 credits bonus is applied for previous owners.

All negotiations will be in PMs with me. Please specify your interest in the drivers you want.
Important information I neglected to give: You can bid on maximum 5 drivers per team. Of course you can't have more than 3 drivers, so you will have to decide to pick 3 of them in case you win all of their bids.
Lamborghini engines are available at following prices
450cr for 1 race
1300cr for 3 races
2800cr for 7 races

-best engine in the field
-proper development (you know my record)

PM me if interested.
Not giving money to BRT >>>>>>>>> anything else
Yeah was aiming for that, it was clear this was an argument that no one was going to win :laugh:
So... I won it? :laugh:

What he is trying to say is that if everyone buys Lamborghini engines, it's going to be another waste of a season as everyone else sits back and watches BRT boringly dominate again...
No worries, rules don't allow me to supply more than 3 other teams. And not like I won all races as in S5 :rolleyes:
I guess the current bids are Ok for all managers as today brought no biddings. Tomorrow night, or earlier evening hours, the bidding phase will probably end.
Driver negotiations are over!

Many teams retain their line-ups from the previous year. BRT, 2KF1, Girl Power, ART, RRR, Delacroix trust their former pairs. Red Night returns with Vettel-Hamilton pair.

The returning Thunderstorm return with their latest drivers. Dream Force enter to the series with new faces. L-ROS makes a striking deal by employing Szisz. Keranen signs up the first world champion, Petrov. Cuspide has yet to sign any drivers.

The hottest drivers of the negotiations were Norris, Peterson and Briscoe. At least 3 teams were interested in each of them. But in the end, Norris picked his former manager while Briscoe remained at BRT. Surprisingly, Peterson is left without any seats. His poor performance at Keranen Motorsports might have played a part in this.

Now we can proceed with these 3 next setups: (Remember that you have to get a tyre and engine before buying anything else from the marketplace. Car setups should be sent privately.)
  1. Tyre and Engine suppliers will be bought.
  2. Rest of the money will be spent from the marketplace items.
  3. Favorite Track and 2 Sponsors will be picked.
  4. Managers will send their car setups via private message.
@kedy89 @Milos @Slyfrequency @TTupsi @Aidan Keranen @Azabadaza @Jimlaad43 @rubaru @ME9Swe @Sasha Jednak @Audi

The marketplace will be closed on 22th of May. (Earlier if all complete their purchases, send their setups before then)
BRT 3100cr (1800cr + 1300cr L-ROS)
Bridgestone 500cr
Engine test speed 500cr
Fuel upgrade 600cr
Risky research 1000cr
Quali upgrade 500cr

Sponsors C&D
Favourite track Monaco

Silver Soul 3100cr
Ferrari 1 race 400cr
Michelin 500cr
sign Peterson 600cr
Fuel upgrade 600cr
Risky research 1000cr

Sponsors D&G
Favourite track Germany
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