Racing Club forums moved

We hope all of our Rally fans enjoy the new location for our Rally Club information and activities.

I fully support this move, it allows us to keep all of our Rally information in one location, reduces the amount of duplication that was occurring, and most importantly, reflects the reality that our Rally Club is trully International, not just a European Club.

We'll continue to post all of our Rally Events in this new location, and look forward to seeing lots of Rally discussions in the Richard Burns Rally Forum.

Of course, all of our RDRC League stuff will still be found under the League Sections.
New racing club arrangement

sorry if wrong thread section. But I wanted to ask what was the point of the last change about Racing Club events and their move to games sub-forums, it is a little bit messy now, it was better to know about the upcoming events on the one place for all :)
I think the general gist of it was to help build up the community more. Before racing clubs and the games forum was split up and thus some people - myself include to be fair - only went into the RD Club thread. The aim is to help up the activity in the game forums and bring the racing community for that game together more.
From my point of view, for people like me, who are playing several games (RACE, GT Legends, RBR, rFactor and upcoming F1 after started support for our country on 11. 11.) means this more mess and less comfort in listing in those events - I have to be watching each forum separate and I think it wont increase activity also, because for those, who wants to be active it wont make any difference and for those who dont will be still watching RC events only :)

but for you Senad I can understand it can be very helpful as you focus only on one or two games and their community this means no change

my activity died after my school time has started as I am currently very busy for being active, and I can just find that what I need - and this change mean more probs to me (as said)
Ondrej - if you want to see all games, the place to look for the overview is the Calendar.

That shows all games on a date by date basis

Also this way, setups are next to sticky threads are next to race posts are next to downloads etc.
Biggest downside I see - besides having to look at 4 or 5 forums instead of 2 (for club races) - is that the completed race events will be mixed in with and push other topics off the page faster.

Now if you put the completed events back into their own sticky sub-forum.....

edit: That's what I get for thinking before looking, the whole club is in a subforum (see below). That works :).
Personally, I'm happier with the new layout, and I am a frequent reader of all Racing Club Events. Both layouts have their pro's and con's but to me it is not much hassle to go to the games of your choice for ALL the info about that game, rather than have it spread around. Like Stuart has said, when I want to see all events in one place, I check the Calendar, much easier that way.

To illustrate an example of how the old format could cause people to miss events:
In the Rally club, our Events covered an International audience (Rallys are set across multiple timezones) but were listed in the European Racing Club. That means that any American or Australian members may not notice these Events (regulars knew where to look though) or we had to duplicate our Event notices etc, to help expose these Events outside the European racing club Forum.

Biggest downside I see - besides having to look at 4 or 5 forums instead of 2 (for club races) - is that the completed race events will be mixed in with and push other topics off the page faster.

Also, as a Race Organiser, whenever i wanted to check the history of Rally Club Events, I had to search through multiple pages (often more than 10 pages) to find the past Events. Now all Rally Club Events are listed together, much better to research.

Each of us may have different preferences, but the differences / inconveniences are only small, and I personally prefer the new arrangement.

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