I'm trying to run the game on a system with geforce 7300 without a luck. Since I do it under Linux/wine I want to be sure that the problem really in the hardware. Could you confirm this?
I'm trying to run the game on a system with geforce 7300 without a luck. Since I do it under Linux/wine I want to be sure that the problem really in the hardware. Could you confirm this?
$ wine ./racer.exe
rrOpenInfoFile: MAIN_FILE='racer.ini'
--- application start ---
Racer version: 0.8.38 (Dec 27 2011/14:02:49) - customer: Internet
CreateThread (WakeUp): handle 116, threadID 35
### QLib Memory Report (-) ###
Handle count: 0
rrOpenInfoFile: MAIN_FILE='racer.ini'
## First texture; verify that all textures are released
RMultiview:CreateSystem() (parent 00F44868)
** Error: DFBOTexture; frameBuffer status not complete (Framebuffer incomplete, duplicate attachment)
FBO Texture ID 1, AA ID 2, texID 20
DGPUShaderManager::Init() Geometry shading is not supported on this card (ATI?).
DGPUShader:Load(data/renderer/fullscreen_shaders_hdr/bloom_shadows_f.cg): The profile is not supported.
** Error: DFBOTexture ctor: OpenGL error (1281): invalid value