I tried the app once, not so long ago .... and at 1st look, I thought ....Waaaawwww !
Everything may be seen.
And it's perfectly done and imagined, Topuz !
Once in a race ... it may seem then too much as 2 choices are possible:
- keep the size as it is at the origin .... when driving, difficult to find immediately what you're looking for and rather little ( risk of loosing attention in race )
- make it bigger ... it should take too much place on screen.
That's why I propose an idea:
For some important points as ... tyre temps, tyre grip %, remaining fuel ( less than 2 laps ), maybe Kers ... make the color blink ... just to attract the attention to automatically look at the right place on the app display. ( + possibility of personal settings for this blinking )
Just an idea ... as I know nothing about how to do it and not aware of its possibility.
But I remain very positive about the app itself and surely conscious of all the work you had to put into it for the reached level of this app.
Please consider this post as positive, Topuz and surely not a critic ! ... that's the way I wished to write it.