Race #09, Italy: Post-Race Checks

You can complaint about lots of things being right or wrong, but setting your quick chat properly it's only your duty, not RD's one.

Don't make childlike excuses, please. Try to be more shelf-critical sometimes.

I was using already quick chat at indy, Edu replied me it was working (At indy).

In Monza I was making sure he got the message again, I didn't change any setting.

I even asked for deleting a penalty in Hockenhheim by whispering the director If i encourage the Pro drivers, showing them how to whisper by using buttons and telling them to check if it works.
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The more protests the funnier it is here. Loosing a car under braking is penalty. While nothing really happened here just beside Pat lost a front wing. Petar just lost some positions.
Again i lost in Germany and in England my race because of some overaccelerating. And that was just a racing incident.

Really, u all can argue about that accelerating is diffrent the braking. Well my ass.

Its still a longitude movement and should be penalized the same. But hey, WC director can make his own rules. He's the best in that.

BTW WC Director is that he needs to direct the race and not only move to other sessions and watch the race and between do nothing. He should also listen to what drivers have to say. It also was easy to look at the cuts after the race. If he doesn;t have the time for it he must leave it to somebody who has the time to do it and not some bullshit actions like last race. Just to do nothing with cut bugs in the race. As a WC director u should listen to the drivers whatever they have to say and check and not just sit there and do nothing.
Its still a game but if guys like this Director do these things its better to go off the seat and let somebody else do it.
Doing the race briefing 40 min before the session starts, with an announcement such as "I'm not going to delete penalties this race" without pointing any reason... with 40 minutes remaining people is testing, I always check the Briefings but seriously speaking, who is going to expect such an announcement with 40 min to go? I guarantee you that after directing Pro Race, the first I do is checking the forums, pretty normal as I have to control a bit what the drivers say just after the race. The post was done, but why changing it 40 minutes before the race? Its a bit confusing for those who checked at 12 am, isn't it?

Where was the infamous Netrex famiglia team spirit to help you out then? In a normal family we discuss things, I'm sure someone did read the briefing before the race and should have told you. :rolleyes:
Where was the infamous Netrex famiglia team spirit to help you out then? In a normal family we discuss things, I'm sure someone did read the briefing before the race and should have told you. :rolleyes:

:sick: Why is this an attack to the Netrex Famiglia? Tell me?
We at FTS didn;t know it either so... He had to say it in the chat again. But still... why are u a race director when u dont do **** in race?

At simracingzone they have admins looking around and u can chat and they do something with it. But Jim did something stupid at Indy and now because of that we are ****ed. While it was a track bug. Nothing we could do about it and then u need a WC director to help u out.
:sick: Why is this an attack to the Netrex Famiglia? Tell me?
We at FTS didn;t know it either so... He had to say it in the chat again. But still... why are u a race director when u dont do **** in race?

At simracingzone they have admins looking around and u can chat and they do something with it. But Jim did something stupid at Indy and now because of that we are ****ed. While it was a track bug. Nothing we could do about it and then u need a WC director to help u out.
I was just trolling dude, no need to be mad. :giggle:
Yea penalties are so harsh, I wonder why 90% of drivers are with ~5 SR. Definetly the system is interesting, but needs harder penalties to work as it should.

The system is not the issue, in theory, and it has been proven to work for several seasons already. I think the SR is also a minor but positive improvement over the previous licence points system. The issue is that for the system to actually work in practice, it requires that the drivers who actually breach rules must have their SR lowered, instead of those who were victims of those incidents and had their races ruined. It requires that the Director applies criteria to make decisions, something which simply cannot be replaced by a chart. Also, that said criteria must not take into account whether the involved drivers are named De Wit or whether they belong to Twister or FTS. Only then, it will work as it should.

Heading into the second chicane, De Wit brakes too late and loses control of his car, going across the front of Brljak's front end, leading to Petar being off the racing line and then causing Brljak to have oversteer in the middle of the turn. De Wit managed to keep his car on the track for the second part of the chicane, but Brljak's oversteer meant there wasn't enough room for the duo to make it around the chicane without contact.

I have to give the Director some credit, he made an honest review, running just short of simply declaring the incident was Petar's responsibility, before assigning Patrick a penalty. At least he didn't even try to hide that this time, I appreciate that. :)

How on earth is De Wit even going to make this turn without practically stopping the car on the apex?
De Wit totally at fault here. has no line whatsoever to be able to make the corner without fulling stop the car, or obviously go into the path of another driver. Please this accident shouldn't even be discussed. Agree with Ondrej, 0.5 penalty could even be not enough. And this is not because it is De Wit, if it was Conti, as nicely put by Ondrej, my "long term buttbuddy" auhuhahuauha, i would say exactly the same thing.
How on earth is De Wit even going to make this turn without practically stopping the car on the apex?

What I said applies to the whole season, not to this particular incident.

I have no intention of discussing any incident in the public forums, specially not when you are just making a subjective assumption. I won't give any opinions, if you want something objective, refer to Rule No. 7 of the FSR Online Rules Supplement.
I've never said Patrick is innocent here, for me he deserved the penalty what he got. But for me is unacceptable when Marcel was taken out of the race after others mistake and loosing the control over the car and it was reviewed as racing incident, here for some positions lost you hurry to penalize him, because it's Patrick. If we use equal standard for everyone, if now Patrick deserves 0.5 SR, what would deserve Jernej for his move after the hairpin in Hockenheim?
I've never said Patrick is innocent here, for me he deserved the penalty what he got. But for me is unacceptable when Marcel was taken out of the race after others mistake and loosing the control over the car and it was reviewed as racing incident, here for some positions lost you hurry to penalize him, because it's Patrick. If we use equal standard for everyone, if now Patrick deserves 0.5 SR, what would deserve Jernej for his move after the hairpin in Hockenheim?

Since when did De Wit get a penalty for losing his car under braking? I read it as he got the penalty because he made the contact with Petar due to his carelessness of the drivers around him, considering where he was on the track and what followed after he made his mistake. His mistake under braking did not cause the collision, what he did following his mistake caused the collision.
Since when did De Wit get a penalty for losing his car under braking? I read it as he got the penalty because he made the contact with Petar due to his carelessness of the drivers around him, considering where he was on the track and what followed after he made his mistake. His mistake under braking did not cause the collision, what he did following his mistake caused the collision.

Yeah, sorry about that, I misunderstood exactly for what he is penalized.
Thank you. Finally someone with balls to say what they think. Let's be serious for a moment then. I write these articles not for me, but for people who read them. I just wanted to try it out in Hockenheim, give some sort of funny/offensive review in a very specific writing style. Surprise, people loved it. Currently it has nearly 500 reads. Now think about how many people outside of FSR have been reached. I got so much positive feedback and responses, mostly private though as people are scared. So I obviously had to keep going. In the same style as this suits me the best. If i wrote politically correct reviews - as I have done in late 2010. I would bore myself to death. It had to be something different, something people would enjoy. I am really sorry that some of you feel offended by it. The main objective is just to keep it humorous and I don't think I would be able to deliver it on this level without being offensive. That's just me. That's why it is called politically incorrect and honestly said. I respect that you hate it and can't stand me. If you have any concerns regarding privacy, please write me a PM and I will fully adhere to your wishes. However I will not back off just because 4 or 5 people can't stand it. At the same time, while being offensive I try to keep it factuals and with some points.

So here are the points that people could be most offended about:

Commentators - what I really think: Jong did a great job when he was by himself, hes not a native speaker and he can express himself a lot better when commentating than on the forum, he has reasonable racing understanding to judge situations. However he lacks some basic facts and information, which some pre-race research would fix. Mundy: he has a very good commentating voice, clear expression. However he sometimes talks too much, and sometimes says very incorrect things, judges racing situation incorrectly and has been noticably biased favouring Morand. Again, pre-race research would help a lot with some facts.

Netrex - I don't choose to write about them because I hate them, I am fairly indifferent. I write about them because most of their drivers cause non-standard racing situations, to put it politically correct. Morand deserves this year's title, he was the best driver this year without a doubt. But at the same time had a lot of brain farts and mistakes that I wrote about of course.

de Wit - yes I honestly don't like that guy and I feel many of his actions, such as last year Hungary was completely intentional. He had many of these over the years. He has never learnt from his accidents and crashes. He had 1 year when he was fairly clean but since then dropped back to his standard which is a shame. If he was clean I would have no reason to write about him.

General negativism about other drivers/directors - if i was positive about everyone, it woulnd't make much sense would it? I need to point out mistakes and failures in a very sarcastic/ offensive way as, once again, that is the best way I can write. It is offensive, but so what? Are you kids that can't handle some humorous offense? I don't think I have written just pure offensive sentences or paragraphs, there was always something to point out in an amusing way. I fully respect that not everyone will like it but once again judging from the very positive feedback, most people do like it. Some articles more than others but I can't please everyone. If you have any constructive feedback and something to change, let me know.

Forum - I hope i don't need to explain that one. It is all entertainment and if you take it or yourself seriously then just chill and don't take it seriously for a while. World is too ****ed up place to be so serious. Furthermore it is enjoyable to create controversy when some people just can't understand. Take a chill pill and relax.

Finally a challenge. If you think you can write some fun, amusing FSR article, whether offensive or not. Go for it. FSR needs more coverage, more proper articles.

Your articles are funny but I think when you make fun of people's religions, and bash people needlessly paragraph after paragraph.

I will agree that some of the FSR commentators put me to sleep, mainly due to not keeping up with what's happening on track, not providing adequate information about race strategy, and for losing their cool far too often(see commentator reaction to jordi salvat/falcon in pro, as if the gates of hell were opening up down the main straight)...but hey it's not like their getting paid millions like the **** Espn commentators( I miss Martin brundle)
Since when did De Wit get a penalty for losing his car under braking? I read it as he got the penalty because he made the contact with Petar due to his carelessness of the drivers around him, considering where he was on the track and what followed after he made his mistake. His mistake under braking did not cause the collision, what he did following his mistake caused the collision.

hm so ok i should dissapear of the track you mean?
what did i do to get a penalty?
i should press escape i was trying to make the corner not to cut cause cuts won,t be tolerated see my teammate results

penalty for what
its ok others get warning etc etc its always same does not matter
you guys get your way at all cost
when others make mistake there sorry etc etc but when i get tangled ah its de wit
not playing victim here
my race was going really well upon that point
Brjak knew i was there he should have left room simple as that
but its ok another 0,5 great job
Any links to ondrejs blog anyone? Cos it seems he might be on a ban from google too as the searchy no worky

There you go:

Browse through all of the articles. Surely you will find something that will offend you better than other things. Enjoy ;)

Offending and Insulting are practically the same anyway. I asked a guy. He's called the dictionary. Also I didn't really ask him. I'm the guy. I know. #hardcorefacts

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