RaceRoom Racing Experience Racing Club event
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@Calvyn White Thanks for the setup. You really did a great job on this one (not sure if it is your first one or second)! I tried a number of different changes and just couldn't quite get it to work. But you managed to dial out the power on oversteer that I was having trouble with. Maybe my right foot just got a little better but it has really helped. Not sure what you changed in the 2nd version but I will check. The only tweaks I did to your setup was 1 click forward on the Brake bias and 2 clicks down on the front ride height.
It is especially good at getting the power down quicker on the second turn and the tight sweeper coming into the first chicane. Thanks for sharing and look forward to the race since we can't do much else these days :) :thumbsup:
@Calvyn White - Well I just tried you number 2 setup and jumped up in the leaderboard :thumbsup: Thanks for sharing and I'm still learning where to pick up time on the track so adapting my style to your setup has paid some nice dividends. You are the Man!!
When I saw your messages I wasn't sure what to say at first. But now, wow just bloody, wow, thank you, you have restored my faith in humanity.;) :laugh: I was dumb struck by your appreciation and respect of another, and spoken like a true gentleman.:inlove: It won't be forgotten.
And then to continue with that sharing with your detailed description of your tweaking. Which will go on to help others where the original setup may have not. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :alien: This is what it's all about with club racing ladies and gentlemen, a prime example.
And no sir, you the man.:thumbsup:
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@Calvyn White thanks for the nice words but really appreciate the setups which quite often take a different direction than mine and are a great source of education and enjoyment! BTW you are dead on about the left front tire. Wow, really hard to keep it from melting. I tried a few 20 minute races and finally learned to back off a bit on the long right handers and it helped a bit but still down to 61% after 12 laps! Might also make it worth doing two pit stops in a 40 min race because the pit stops are really fast (except for the journey down pit lane)! Everyone make sure to have a backup pit strategy to put on tires only a second time. If you are further ahead 20-25 seconds to the guy behind you then a second pit stop could really make a difference on the last 5 laps or so.
@IlPaoletto and @cagivariver it would be great if you could join us. Not sure what time it is in Italy at race time but early in the morning i'm sure! Hope you are both doing well and staying safe!! Welcome aboard if you can make it :thumbsup:
@Calvyn White thanks for the nice words but really appreciate the setups which quite often take a different direction than mine and are a great source of education and enjoyment! BTW you are dead on about the left front tire. Wow, really hard to keep it from melting. I tried a few 20 minute races and finally learned to back off a bit on the long right handers and it helped a bit but still down to 61% after 12 laps!
I'm assuming you're talking about the 05.
Now if you think that's bad and you fancy a laugh try the 95 on soft tyres and if you don't utter the words, one of which is "me" I would be very surprised. The hard tyres are only marginally better. Even back in the day in Formula 1 when they use special qualifying tyres but even then they would last five or six laps and with a qualifying setup up lots of toe, lots of camber etc. So whatever you want to call it tyre model, physics model surely this cannot be right.
Thank you @Scott_H but if you give 2005 a go you will find it handles better in general and certainly match better on the tyres on that I am in no doubt. Not ideal for this track for any of these cars for some reason. But I have not tried them on any other tracks so this is pure speculation, in the hope they're better elsewhere. But I do have my doubts as I do believe the 95 is not what it should be no matter the track.:(
I'm also thinking that the 95 may be giving a false negative temperature without it actually losing grip because of it. Or even wear for that matter.

I wish I could put this to the test but at the present time, I'm running under a particularly nasty attack of sciatica. So bad in fact I can't even get in my rig. Playseat Sensation Pro which is difficult to get in and out of at the best of times. Been thinking about getting a new seat something with a little less bucket. :O_o: :laugh: I feel like an 88-year-old granny on morphine with a brian MIA. Shuffling around from room to room and planning ahead 10-minutes when I need to go to the loo.:roflmao: Don't want to have any accidents, again.:laugh:
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@Calvyn White , I'll try out the 2005 when I get home from work. Regarding your comments about false negative on tire temp, I am by no means proficient at analyzing what's going on but I could set a good time in the first few laps and then I'd just fall off. Could be ~consistent but just not near the early times set.

Hope you are feeling better soon and csn get back in the race seat.

[QUOTE = "Keith_G, post: 3132323, membro: 147738"]
[USER = 253021] @Calvyn White [/ USER] grazie per le belle parole ma apprezzo molto le configurazioni che molto spesso prendono una direzione diversa dalla mia e sono un'ottima fonte di istruzione e divertimento! A proposito, sei morto per la gomma anteriore sinistra. Wow, davvero difficile impedirgli di sciogliersi. Ho provato alcune gare di 20 minuti e finalmente ho imparato a indietreggiare un po 'sui lunghi destrimani e questo mi ha aiutato un po', ma ancora al 61% dopo 12 giri! Potrebbe anche valere la pena fare due pit-stop in una corsa di 40 minuti perché i pit-stop sono molto veloci (ad eccezione del viaggio lungo la pit-lane)! Tutti si assicurano di avere una strategia di pit-backup per mettere gli pneumatici solo una seconda volta. Se sei più avanti di 20-25 secondi rispetto al ragazzo dietro di te, un secondo pit stop potrebbe davvero fare la differenza negli ultimi 5 giri circa.
[USER = 210238] @IlPaoletto [/ USER] e [USER = 17684] @cagivariver [/ USER] sarebbe bello se tu potessi unirti a noi. Non sono sicuro che ora sia in Italia al momento della gara, ma la mattina presto sono sicuro! Spero che stiate entrambi bene e siate al sicuro !! Benvenuto a bordo se ce la fai:pollice su:
Non siamo al sicuro ma stiamo bene. Grazie mille per aver pensato.
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