My guess is that you may not have put in the correct port? There has been the odd actuator from elab that I have seen in the past that has had a similar problem theat they bind at one end of the travel. This could be fixed by reassembly or replacement. The reassembly is loosening the top part of the actuator and retightening, when it is at its lowest position, if it binds at its lowest position.Hi Thanos can you help
I’ve just installed the Eracing labs motion and my rear left actuator is making a load grinding noise only when the actuators are at there lowest point and when they do go down and stop there is also a loud humming coming from the actuator I believe the same one with the strange noise. Then one time the motion settled on its lowest height and I got a sudden thump and then AL-06 until I switched them off and back on also I’ve chosen the com port in sim hub and told sim him which actuator is which but when I click ok it tells me “thanos4u controller serial port not defined” and “actuator order settings have not been configured”
The reset button on the thanos 4u is it possible that button was pressed during in shipping and reset the controllers or maybe I’ve knocked it when powered on? As it’s so easy to know that button and presses super easy
Any help greatly appreciated
Are you a member of the simhub discord? If not I suggest joining and then going to the motion section where you will receive fast help about the connection issue.