There's two sides of the coin here.
There certainly are Doc. If you cast your mind back further, we get to the point in time where Mr Bell threatened Bram and this website with civil action in the courts. He came on here all guns blazing with a few of his men and started calling members here all sorts of derogatory names. I think you will find that some people don't forget or forgive so easy. They tried to silence any and all negative reports about the builds etc.
There was also the big investor....can't remember his name.....that was continuously bragging about how much money he was set to make when all the console users purchased the game. He created a lot of animosity. In fact I think Mr Bell had to reign him in at one point but that's just a guess.
And then there was the influx of investors who started calling names and trolling any posts by any member who had a bad report on the games progress or dared to mention how bad the FFB or physics were etc. This was, in my opinion, deliberate action.
But this is all my opinion of course, not RD's.
But this leads us on to today,
we have purchased the game, (surely that makes the investors very happy?) and we are enjoying it to a degree but we want it fixed. Surely the devs are going to fix it for all the customers whether Mr Bell comes here or not as that is their duty. One forum will not and should not make any difference to their plans to continually update and fix the game. But what it does do is let them know that disgruntled customers have a voice and that voice gets bounced around the internet at frightening speeds.
So in the end, it's not this place that should feel shame, oh no. This place stood up to them. Unlike other places like VR and No Grip that seemed to be overun and in my opinion run by WMD investors. The boss man himself seems to come here and create bad publicity/PR for some unknown reason. But perhaps he does it on purpose? Perhaps he has a cunning plan? I don't know. He certainly didn't need to follow, track or hunt down the OP just to put him straight. That seems silly to me. He's already banned him from the pcars forum.
And it is nice to have a discussion on this matter without any vitriol or name calling. This is a discussion forum after all. And hopefully this little post will go some way to explain the animosity from both sides that I hope could have stopped if Mr Bell had come on with what
@Lazarou said earlier, a
"thank you for purchasing, and I/we are doing our best to fix the faults that you and many others are pointing out to us. And I'll pop back in here now and again and see what else you are having problems with, after all you organised Race clubs are very important to us"
Just my subjective opinion.
Hope we can remain civil in our discussions here. After all we all want this brilliant racing game to be perfect, or at least as perfect as promised.