Practice race Wednesday the 28th at 8:30 pm UK-time

The way it works for me I get a little faster for every stint I do. Eg if I for one race have time to do 6 stints for preperations instead of 4 I will on average be... let's say 0,3 sec faster a lap. If I only have time to do two stints I am perhaps 1 second slower a lap relative to 6 stints.

I do not think everybody works exactly like me, but I know I can be almost as fast as I want to be for a race, I just need to put down the time needed :)Right now Peter and Nicolas are much faster than me which is something I cannot tolerate. Therefore I will put down a few extra stints the comming days and test myself against Peter on Sunday ;)

Also, early on in my preperations (like Wednesday's practice race) I am able to read (more or less) what pace I probably will end up with. My fastest lap is usually at this point very close to general race pace a few stints later.

So what I am trying to say is that race pace is for some people (me included) simply a matter of getting numerous laps down. Also, if i think my pb is too slow compared to others I will analyse that lap and look for the following:
-do I get all the apexes?
-do I start accellerating no later than apex in all the turns?

If answer to any of these questions is no then I have to keep on practicing racing line to get that "perfect" lap to see how fast I really am.

What I do with setup is to adjust it so the car feel balanced -> allows me to push harder out of the corner without over/under steering. This I do early on. Adjustments to make it faster I rearly do, but if I am to do that I will do it after I have acheived the perfect racing line, because this is the only state where it is possible for me to tell if the gained pace is from the setup and not improved racing line. Very rearly I am in a position where fickling with the setup pays off more than practicing race line.
My biggest problem is that i'm just not naturally fast... I'm very close to my limits here but i'm just hoping that experience will let me relax a bit, if i don't push, i'm only 1sec slower than when i'm going with full speed kamikaze.. Finding a good setup is secondary but it does help with these more than, let's say in WTCC.

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