F1 2018 Please help me understand online ranked races

F1 2018 The Game (Codemasters)
I want to know who decides what cars and tracks to use? As far as I can see them, it's all very random. Is there any place I can look for some sort of schedule maybe? If I start my own championship, are the races also going to be ranked?

Honestly, how can these guys join just random races? You don't do races like that. You need a schedule to follow, you need practice, and you don't just join any random race in 2 minutes notice. That's how you ruin your racecraft and become a quickie racer. Not even close to sim racing norms.

I may go under fire here... Apologies but most people who are not locked to codemasters titles knows there's a saying out there in other sim racing titles. Usually when people crash so much, or just simply sucks, they ask you to go back playing some "arcade class titles"... First time I bought an F1 GAME, I am not judgemental, but it's not looking good, at least on the ranking side of things. This being unorganized puts some weight to that rather derogative phrase, "go back to playing F1 2018!".

I always looked around the online feature of this title but never joined any race. I am not afraid, I simply don't know the car and tracks being used. Someone help me understand this rather unorganized structure please?

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