Oculus Rift Settings

Hi all finally got my self a Rift, what I need help with is my graphic settings for my GTX 1070 using triple screens but with resolution in game set at 1920x1080.
I'm finding it quite blurry and very grainy. so some help with this would be appreciated.
Have tried various settings posted by others but none seem to really help.
Thanks .
Not sure, haven't been on AC in awhile but I think most things we're around 3/4 of maximum.

It can take a good two to three weeks before the woozy feeling goes away.

Edit: Here's another "through the lens" video I took with my cell phone Friday night showing how PCars2 looks in VR. This one I was onboard with somebody while they were driving so you can get a sense of how motion looks. This is with the new sharpening feature at 0.6 which does make it look a bit nicer, I never play this game though so my settings aren't exactly dialed in but it still is not a blurry mess as some people always clai
What sharpening feature is that mate?.
What sharpening feature is that mate?.
It was added in a small patch a couple weeks ago.

"The sharpening feature is controlled by three values in your graphics config XML file (itself found in your Project CARS 2 documents folder, separate files for VR and non-VR, e.g. graphicsconfigoculusdx11.xml and graphicsconfigdx11.xml):

<prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.000000" />
<prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.045000" />
<prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />
... to create these values in the file the first time, either delete your current file and run the game (after you've installed the patch of course), or, if you want to maintain your current settings, run the game and go in and out of the "Performance" graphics menu.

The values are used as follows (apologies for the somewhat technical explanations - the only value most people will want to change probably is the first one, strength):

  • Strength (0.0->3.0, default 0.0) - the strength of the sharpening, zero being off. I find a subtle amount like 0.6 to be a good starting point. Too high a value will cause shimmering effects and a generally unnatural look to the image. Note that having sharpening on at all will have a small performance cost, but the size of that hit doesn't vary with the amount of sharpening.
  • Clamp (0.0->1.0, default 0.045) - limits the amount of sharpening at the local pixel level (if you have a large continuity difference between the original pixel and blurred pixel it limits the amount of offset applied).
  • Offset (0.0->6.0, default 1.0) - the offset from the current pixel for the sampling pattern (so if it's 1 it will sample neighbouring pixels, any less and it will bias towards the central pixel, any more and it will start sampling pixels outside the normal kernel)."

WOW THE GRAPHICS ARE AMAZING. Compared to how mine is set-up for Assetto Corsa, What I see is very pixelated (is that a word?) and because of that no where as sharp as this video. Maybe if I tweak my settings I will have a better experience :) Thanks for your feedback :thumbsup:
You should get very similar performance in both, if anything better clarity in AC. The difference is that in PCars2 you have to stick with around 1-1.3 PPD even with a 1080TI and top notch CPU. In AC, you can crank it up to around 1.3-1.7. In both cases, the results end up being close though in terms of clarity. It's really hard to tell the difference in AC between 1.5 and 1.7.
It was added in a small patch a couple weeks ago.

"The sharpening feature is controlled by three values in your graphics config XML file (itself found in your Project CARS 2 documents folder, separate files for VR and non-VR, e.g. graphicsconfigoculusdx11.xml and graphicsconfigdx11.xml):

<prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.000000" />
<prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.045000" />
<prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />
... to create these values in the file the first time, either delete your current file and run the game (after you've installed the patch of course), or, if you want to maintain your current settings, run the game and go in and out of the "Performance" graphics menu.

The values are used as follows (apologies for the somewhat technical explanations - the only value most people will want to change probably is the first one, strength):

  • Strength (0.0->3.0, default 0.0) - the strength of the sharpening, zero being off. I find a subtle amount like 0.6 to be a good starting point. Too high a value will cause shimmering effects and a generally unnatural look to the image. Note that having sharpening on at all will have a small performance cost, but the size of that hit doesn't vary with the amount of sharpening.
  • Clamp (0.0->1.0, default 0.045) - limits the amount of sharpening at the local pixel level (if you have a large continuity difference between the original pixel and blurred pixel it limits the amount of offset applied).
  • Offset (0.0->6.0, default 1.0) - the offset from the current pixel for the sampling pattern (so if it's 1 it will sample neighbouring pixels, any less and it will bias towards the central pixel, any more and it will start sampling pixels outside the normal kernel)."

Thank you buddy,will have a look on the morrow.
Hello I am new to all of this can you please tell me the difference between what I am using Riftcar and Rift. I did not see any information about Rift when I was setting up my VR. Thanks Tim
RiftCat is for using phone based VR devices (Samsung Gear VR, Google Cardboard, etc). The problems with those:
- lower framerate (60fps vs 90fps)
- latency
- image compression artifacts
- lack of positional tracking (only rotational)

These together highly raise the chances of getting motion sick, especially latency and the subpar tracking. With an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, you can move around in the virtual space, you are not pinned to a single viewpoint. And it makes a huuuge difference.

P.s.: I used a Gear VR with RiftCat before buying the Oculus Rift. Couldn't bare 5 minutes with the Gear VR, while I can spend hours in the Rift without getting dizzy.
How do I get a closed installation to run 45 fps in my Odyssey that was before Windows Mixed Reality for SteamVR update
"driver_Holographic_Experimental": {
"forceHalfRateWithReprojectionMode": "motion vector"

// Some people may experience increased discomfort such as nausea, over-feeling, dizziness,
blurred vision, headache, fatigue or eye size.
"thumbstickControlsEnabled": false,
"thumbstickControlsReversed": false,
"thumbstickTurnSmooth": false,
"thumbstickDeadzone": 0.25
Now everything works
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I didn't see it mentioned earlier...(possibly glanced over it), but one of the most important setting to accomplish good VR quality is lense spacing.
I run 1.5 pd and 70 on LS and my images are extremely clear.
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Thanks Brandon, the funny thing is now that you mention it I remember doing this the first time I set it up for vr, I clean forgot all about this lol this will save me running a third party app
Hi guys,

since i got my new CPU and GPU (AMD Ryzen 5 2600 and Geforce GTX 1070ti) coming from an FX 8350 and a GTX 1060, i was playing around with settings in Assetto Corsa to get a stable 90fps within my Oculus Rift and about 17 KI cars on Spa.

Here are my settings:

Resolution: 1280 x 720 (my native monitor resolution is 1920 x 1080. This does not affect the resolution of the Oculus Rift, but you can save some fps for 2nd screen. Decreasing the resolution results in bigger ingame windows like timing in garage or the red buttons on the left side.)

Fullscreen: checked
VSync: unchecked
Anisotropic filtering: 8x
Anti Aliasing: 2x + MFAA enabled in Nvidia Control Panel globally. With MFAA enabled you got like 4x AA, but with less GPU calculating.
World details: high
Shadows: high

Smoke: Medium + mirror
PP Filter: checked photographic (in my opinion i got some extra frames in conclusion to default)
Overall quality: High
Glare: off
Depth of field: off
Saturation: 100%
Heat shimmering: off
Lens flare: off
FXAA: off

Mirror: High
Reflection quality: High
Reflection frequency: static

In steam folder assettocorsa/system/cfg/graphics.ini i changed the MIP LOD BIAS to -0.5. LOD (level of detail) BIAS is a texture filterung instrument. Negative numbers allow the textures to get more detailed. I think, more than -1.0 results in pretty ugly shimmering. With LOD BIAS set to -0.5 you have a crisp motec in the Porsche 919 hybrid 2016. All texture details in and outside the car are more sharpen with less GPU calculatin.

In your documents folder assettocorsa/cfg/oculus.ini you now do not need tor raise the PPD as much, cause with LOD BIAS set to -0.5 you got better texture resolution. I play with standard PPD 1.0, but you can slightly raise it to 1.4. In my opinion, you don`t need to.

I overclocked my GTX 1070ti with MSI Afterburner. I raised the core clock by +150Mhz and the memory clock by 500Mhz. With these settings i think, i got about 10% extra boost for my gpu.

ASW: I turned it off. My fps is about 70fps in pitlane in spa and on track i got about 85 - 100fps, depends on traffic. At the start of a race my fps didn`t drop under 70fps. When the race is started, my fps raises to 85 and the more the race goes on, i meet my 90fps.

I would like to hear your thougths.
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Hi guys,

since i got my new CPU and GPU (AMD Ryzen 5 2600 and Geforce GTX 1070ti) coming from an FX 8350 and a GTX 1060, i was playing around with settings in Assetto Corsa to get a stable 90fps within my Oculus Rift and about 17 KI cars on Spa.

Here are my settings:

Resolution: 1280 x 720 (my native monitor resolution is 1920 x 1080. This does not affect the resolution of the Oculus Rift, but you can save some fps for 2nd screen. Decreasing the resolution results in bigger ingame windows like timing in garage or the red buttons on the left side.)

Fullscreen: checked
VSync: unchecked
Anisotropic filtering: 8x
Anti Aliasing: 2x + MFAA enabled in Nvidia Control Panel globally. With MFAA enabled you got like 4x AA, but with less GPU calculating.
World details: high
Shadows: high

Smoke: Medium + mirror
PP Filter: checked photographic (in my opinion i got some extra frames in conclusion to default)
Overall quality: High
Glare: off
Depth of field: off
Saturation: 100%
Heat shimmering: off
Lens flare: off
FXAA: off

Mirror: High
Reflection quality: High
Reflection frequency: static

In steam folder assettocorsa/system/cfg/graphics.ini i changed the MIP LOD BIAS to -0.5. LOD (level of detail) BIAS is a texture filterung instrument. Negative numbers allow the textures to get more detailed. I think, more than -1.0 results in pretty ugly shimmering. With LOD BIAS set to -0.5 you have a crisp motec in the Porsche 919 hybrid 2016. All texture details in and outside the car are more sharpen with less GPU calculatin.

In your documents folder assettocorsa/cfg/oculus.ini you now do not need tor raise the PPD as much, cause with LOD BIAS set to -0.5 you got better texture resolution. I play with standard PPD 1.0, but you can slightly raise it to 1.4. In my opinion, you don`t need to.

I overclocked my GTX 1070ti with MSI Afterburner. I raised the core clock by +150Mhz and the memory clock by 500Mhz. With these settings i think, i got about 10% extra boost for my gpu.

ASW: I turned it off. My fps is about 70fps in pitlane in spa and on track i got about 85 - 100fps, depends on traffic. At the start of a race my fps didn`t drop under 70fps. When the race is started, my fps raises to 85 and the more the race goes on, i meet my 90fps.

I would like to hear your thougths.

Why did you turn ASW off? It should work automatically, switching on when fps is below 90 and switch off when you reach 90fps again. Driving with "free" fps in between looks much worse IMO.

Also, I'd set glare to low at least, or else you're missing a big reason to even have pp on, unless you download a custom VR filter.
I can't remember if photographic filter has it on, but go into the filter ini and turn off chromatic aberration, it's one of the worst effects for the VR experience.