next VR headset?

I'm currently running a G2 on a dedicated SIM rig having briefly owned an 8KX (sold because I couldn't get a powerful enough gfx card run it at the time). It's good, but has quite a few shortcomings, for me the main one being the very narrow sweet spot.

I've put a pre-order on a Pimax Crystal which is looking like a great SIM option pared with a 4080/4090. The big screen beyond is also interesting, but the FOV seems like its going to be a bit too much of a limitation in VR. Though I've never seen one, the Varjo Aero seems just too expensive for what it is.

I imagine a Valve index 2 would be 'the one' but there doesn't seem to be any solid information about whether it will even come out let alone when.

Anyone else looking to replace their G2 (or other VR headset), and with what?
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I'm currently running a G2 on a dedicated SIM rig having briefly owned an 8KX (sold because I couldn't get a powerful enough gfx card run it at the time). It's good, but has quite a few shortcomings, for me the main one being the very narrow sweet spot.

I've put a pre-order on a Pimax Crystal which is looking like a great SIM option pared with a 4080/4090. The big screen beyond is also interesting, but the FOV seems like its going to be a bit too much of a limitation in VR. Though I've never seen one, the Varjo Aero seems just too expensive for what it is.

I imagine a Valve index 2 would be 'the one' but there doesn't seem to be any solid information about whether it will even come out let alone when.

Anyone else looking to replace their G2 (or other VR headset), and with what?
I'm extremely interested in the Crystal as well. Currently own an Index, and would love an Index2 to be released, but have heard nothing coming down the pipeline.
Crystal FOV seems to match the Varjo along with clarity. However comfort seems to be an issue for some.

I'm going to give the Crystal 6-12 months before considering my next upgrade, to allow them to iron out any issues and for third party companies to make some add-ons to improve comfort etc.
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Crytal is a clear step back in terms of FOV, which was the distinguishing mark of Pimax's headsets. I won't upgrade from my 5k Plus until manufacturers find the way to combine clarity with high FOV. That's the only way to guarantee inmersion, although it will surely have a cost: extremelly high hardware requirements.
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Crytal is a clear step back in terms of FOV, which was the distinguishing mark of Pimax's headsets. I won't upgrade from my 5k Plus until manufacturers find the way to combine clarity with high FOV. That's the only way to guarantee inmersion, although it will surely have a cost: extremelly high hardware requirements.
meh I think high FOV is a little overrated especially considering hardware constraints, personally I'd rather have a very large sweet spot (preferably the entire FOV, I'm ok with G2 FOV) with high image quality
I've had an Index for coming up on 4 years. I tried a G2 briefly and decided it didn't work for me.

I ended up with an Aero which is a high end product built solidly that is very comfortable and has a very sharp display. I miss the off hear headphones of the Index and the FOV is a bit smaller than the Index, but feels a great deal larger than the G2 because it is all in focus.

Now is where things get a bit fun.

You have a 4090 which I think is a requirement for a high end headset today. Sorry, I don't think anything lower will get either an Aero or Crystal to where you would want them.

But unfortunately it's not that simple.

I got my Aero pretty recently. Varjo had distortion and CA issues initially that they have worked out a while back. Recently the redshift issue was worked out through OpenXR. Varjo just added 3:1 and 2:1 reprojection ( predictive smoothing) to their base software. This allows the Aero to work much better in some titles.

OpenXR is where all the critical mass is right now and frankly the OpenXR toolkit will be the reason you can either get decent frame rates on an Aero or Crystal.

I can get 90 fps in iRacing without reprojection with a 4090 and my Aero at 35ppd using eye tracking with dynamic foveated rendering that culls the parts of the display I'm not looking at.

There is dynamic foveated rendering available for some titles and it works well, but it has to be written per title.

As I understand it the Crystal's eye tracking isn't working yet. You will need that to get the best frame rates.

If you are seriously considering a Crystal, I would highly recommend that you wait to see what frame rates people can actually get with it. I seriously doubt they will compare well against the Aero in terms of frame rate unless you drop to a lower resolution.

I'm not suggesting that will always be the case, but it will likely take Pimax a while to work things out to the point where you can get decent frame rates in sim titles.

I'll give my thoughts on the Aero and Crystal ( keeping in mind I own an Aero and consider Pimax to be a shady company ) Just being open about my person biases to start with.

I love my Index controllers and have found lighthouse tracking to be reliable with my motion rig. I don't consider inside/out tracking an option.

So for the Crystal, on top of the 1.2kg starting weight, I would need the lighthouse tracking attachment that snaps to the front of the headset. That comes at an additional cost I haven't seen yet and an additional weight I don't know and requires a separate rechargeable battery because it isn't integrated with the headset.

I don't like the fact I would have two rechargeable batteries needed to run a tethered VR headset.

The Crystal has headphones but by all accounts to date they are very mediocre.

The Crystal's eye tracking isn't currently working so dynamics foveated rendering won't work yet.

The Aero is lacking a bit in vertical FOV, otherwise I've been very happy with the displays.
The Aero is very comfortable. The over the head support helps dramatical to take pressure off your face and it's adjustable to hold an angle against your face to equalize the pressure between your cheeks and forehead.
The Aero is about half the weight of the Crystal
The Aero requires no batteries to charge
The Aero comes with a set of earbuds that I don't use. I did buy a very nice set of IEM's with a high rejection boom microphone that have been working very well for me and are at least the sound quality of the Index off ear speakers, but they are less convenient.

Past that I've heard no shortage of horror stories from people working with Pimax because of issues with previous headsets. I've even heard people say that they wait to purchase through Amazon so they can return them only to hear Pimax lied and told Amazon that the headset was abused before it was returned and didn't want to refund the money.

Most people I know who had a Pimax headset returned it.
Most people I know who like their Pimax headset don't like the company.

By comparison my experience with Varjo is that they have excellent customer support and even when people get a headset with an issue, Varjo quickly replaces it and takes care of their customers after the sale.

All that said, what I really wanted was an Index 2. I got the Aero because I'm expecting it may still be another year before an Index 2 is available.

So to recap.
If you can wait, then wait.
If you want something now and want a Crystal, give it enough time that you can see what non-monetized sim racers think about it and see how Pimax treats them.
I'm enjoying my Aero and think it is a good headset, but I'm still waiting for the next Index to be released.
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I would go with the Aero IF it didn't require lighthouses and had good headphones included like the G2

It's such a shame there's no Reverb G3 planned
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meh I think high FOV is a little overrated especially considering hardware constraints, personally I'd rather have a very large sweet spot (preferably the entire FOV, I'm ok with G2 FOV) with high image quality
I could also say that high resolution is overrated. Others may say that 120 fps are overrated. Others want lightweight. After all, it's all a matter of personal preference. For me, FOV is the most important feature in a VR headset because it's what makes me feel immersed in the virtual world. Moreover, with low FOV most of the sense of speed in racing games is lost, and that's simply unacceptable. Better resolution and other virtues such a good sweet spot, the lack of chromatic aberrations, better framerate, better blacks and colors... all that helps too, but if I have to choose, I prefer a low res picture with gigantic FOV over a high res display which feels like looking through a keyhole. For that experience I already have a good monitor.
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I would go with the Aero IF it didn't require lighthouses and had good headphones included like the G2

It's such a shame there's no Reverb G3 planned

I agree it's a shame HP pulled out. Unfortunately they were the last man standing in WMR space.

The lighthouses are the best tracking system currently available and think every enthusiast headset should support them.

However, I get it and I agree choices are good and help support different price points and preferences.

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