Next Level V3 Questions

Had the platform a few days and I have a few questions and problems as below. Any help appreciated on this.

1. Should there be some slack or movement when the platform is active? if I stop in game the seat rocks back and forth a bit I thought it would be held tight by the motors but there appears to be some slack. This is not present when the platform is powered off??

2. I am using the latest platform manager and the longitudinal forces seem to give a massive kick in the back. If I turn it down I get no feeling of acceleration or braking. It seems very over powered for this effect and cant sim to filter this out. Its like the upshifts are kicking you in the back but the down shifts dont. All the gear effects are turned off so I know its not that.

3. There seems to be some general slack or loosens in the platform which I wasn't expecting again is this normal to have some movement. I understand its a mechanical movement so there can be some but what's an acceptable amount. It appears to come from the universal joint under the seat?

Any help appreciated
There is some slack in the unit when it's off, or rather, when there are no active forces. When it's running, you should not be able to feel much of it but if you ever run laps with the unit turned off, you will feel some play in the motor arms, it's completely normal.

The software has some pretty nifty ways of tuning the effects the way that you like them. I actually helped a little to develop it with settings that I wanted to be able to use when I had my unit. They basically took what I wanted to do and added some extra sliders in there. Using a combination of what's available, you should be able to fine tune your unit to what you think feels best. It's been a while now since I had mine but I do remember being quite happy with the results. Just make sure if there are any "advanced" modes to enable within the software, you do so to unlock all the control options.

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