Next Level Racing Seats... My mixed experiences.

On 5/18/23, Next Level Racing offered to deliver a replacement seat to me. Next Level Racing didn't have to do that (especially since the seat was already out of warranty). Regardless, I am really thankful that they did. And, I very much look forward to putting the replacement seat to the test. In the meantime, I gotta admit their customer support has been pretty damn good.

First, let me say I have purchased and used Next Level Racing products since 2019. I bought the NLR Motion Platform v.3 (seat mover) as well as the GT Track to mount it in. The heart of their system (the seat mover) was a fine product. Their software and their support is/was also very good. Though far from perfect, the GT Track's metal cockpit and frame was also reasonably well built. So, what wasn't good?

When I purchased the GT Track, it came with a reclining seat with seat sliders that mounted on top of the Motion Platform. That seat IS the issue. I should add that the Next Level Racing Seat is basically 4 years old now and out of warranty.

Within the first year, the PU leather split on the Next Level Racing Seat. Over time, it continued to split in several places revealing metal parts/prongs/ends which actually split my pants when I sat in it. Now, in addition to the seat literally coming apart at the seams, the seat back no longer locks the seat in a stationary upright position. This might not be dangerous if the cockpit were stationary. But, it isn't stationary.

To Next Level Racing's Credit, it appears that they now sell a variety of seats to go with their cockpit which may or may not have fixed the issue. I, for one, have been unable to see what is different about the newer reclining seats other than sizing.

Now it appears, I will get the chance to find out for myself (see update above).
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