The final update before we'll install Xenforo 1.4 in the next two weeks is done.
The left and right sidebar styles have had their purpose during last weeks testing (thanks for that) and have now been replaced by a default style called RaceDepartment (Fixed) and an optional style called RaceDepartment (Fluid) for those of you that don't like a narrow layout and love huge white space instead.
By default the fixed style is served but you can opt for the wider one by clicking the selector at the left bottom of each page and switch between the style.
First one that complains that the fluid version is too wide gets a kick in the face (no joke)
The left and right sidebar styles have had their purpose during last weeks testing (thanks for that) and have now been replaced by a default style called RaceDepartment (Fixed) and an optional style called RaceDepartment (Fluid) for those of you that don't like a narrow layout and love huge white space instead.
By default the fixed style is served but you can opt for the wider one by clicking the selector at the left bottom of each page and switch between the style.
First one that complains that the fluid version is too wide gets a kick in the face (no joke)