Please don’t get me wrong, I appreciate your afford.
But please see my point:
Sim racing is a small niche, everyone knows about and looks into ongoing projects.
Your works does deteriorate from Sergio’s Süds, which is light years ahead from any conversion you could come up with.
Yes it’s a paid mod..... Still my point stands, why doing it knowing you rival a SCRATCH made track, focusing all interest on “your” work?
With catering to the ”free for all folks” you destroy every chance of getting a decent version of the Gesamtstrecke.
Good things don’t come free...
First... "Your works does deteriorate from Sergio’s Süds, which is light years ahead from any conversion you could come up with."
In that case why on Earth would he feel threatened by a "deteriorated" version??
Second.. "why doing it knowing you rival a SCRATCH made track, focusing all interest on “your” work?".
If you just said above Sergio's work is light years ahead from anything i can do, why you talk one line below about a "rivalry"?? there's no rivalry when there's such a quality leap as you state with such certainty without even looking at any of both mods in their final state.
People can take notice and focus on what they SEE available to them, where else would you expect people to focus their interest if there's no other gesamtstrecke project thread with info about it?? a no brainer....
Third... "With catering to the ”free for all folks” you destroy every chance of getting a decent version of the Gesamtstrecke."
This is so absolutely preposterous i'm not even replying to it... just notice that by saying that you imply that Sergio's interest in making his project is nothing more than money hunger. Does he agree with such claim???
Fourth... "Good things don’t come free..."
I've seen some horrible paid mods and some other spectacular free mods, so this is bullsh*t and we all know it.
Besides, this is like saying that modders apply themselves to make good stuff only when there's a few bucks in between. I don't think selling mods pays a salary to a lot of modders... most of us have our regular jobs, studies, and we do this on our spare time because we enjoy doing it. Nothing more.
Fifth... I'm saying it again. Even having a project completed and released to the public doesn't take away people the right of having alternatives, paid or not, so unless you think the first person declaring a future project holds all rights to the track, i don't get why the hell are we still debating this nonsense.