Plugins MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin

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I am wondering if it is just me, but when I visited teimo looking for sugar the shelves were not stocked despite me not visiting the store since I had this mod installed. I am wondering if the mod disabling teimo's shop has anything to do with it.
The restocking works fine. This is a bug in MSC itself - if you save the game at the wednesday midnight, and load the game, the restocking script won't trigger.
Athlon007 updated MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin with a new update entry:

Update 2.8.3 is here

- Added a data sending disclaimer, when starting MOP for the first time
- Experimental Trunk: Added support for multiple storages
- Added a storage in a glovebox
- Added experimental optimization system, that disables Satsuma, if it's parked at the garage
- You can enable it using custom rule file flag: experimental_optimization
- Added new rule file flag "min_ver", which tells MOP what's the minimum required version of MOP for that rule file to work


Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi its a good Mod but i found 2 Issues.

I cant get my satsuma to my House ( teleport ) if MOP is running.

And if i go out of the Game with ALT-TAB and go back in,the Game has only 22 FPS :-( If you not go out,it has 40-60 FPS.

I7-8700k @ 4500Mhz + MSI 1070 Gaming X


But with the FPS drop it is before MOP too :-(
Hi its a good Mod but i found 2 Issues.

I cant get my satsuma to my House ( teleport ) if MOP is running.

And if i go out of the Game with ALT-TAB and go back in,the Game has only 22 FPS :-( If you not go out,it has 40-60 FPS.

I7-8700k @ 4500Mhz + MSI 1070 Gaming X


But with the FPS drop it is before MOP too :-(
The only thing you can do is to play the game in borderless windowed mode. You can do that by adding -popupwindow to launch options of the game, and ticking "Windowed mode" on the game start screen.
Athlon007 updated MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin with a new update entry:


- All items in the game are now toggled
- Offset wheels are now also toggled
- Trunks now add weight to the car
- Added hook to car part boxes
- MSC's default LOD scripts for yard, store, repairshop, inspection and farm are now disabled,
to save some processing power

- Tweaked how vehicles physics is now toggled, eliminating the bug that would cause sudden FPS drop
- Changed how MSC fixes are applied
- Overall code optimization and improvements

Bug Fixes...

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So.... Where the hell are the windows, curtains, toy train, Floor rug, and boxes? i blame the cops
Oh yeah, and i cant sleep or save. toilet is also gone


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Athlon007 updated MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin with a new update entry:

Hotfix 2.9.1

Really sorry for everyone that encountered the bug with some elements of yard and other places not loading correctly, but it only happpens to some specific people, at a specific occasion, which I yet have to figure out. 10 other people have been testing MOP 2.9 and nobody reported that issue.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed places LOD not loading correctly for some people
- Fixed a bug in which Flettari would not greet player, and buying parts not working

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The bug should be fixed in MOP 2.9.1 Apologies for it happening in the first place, but 10 different people have been testing MOP 2.9 before it's release, and nobody encountered that bug, meaning it only happens in a specific situation.
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