Plugins MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin

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Athlon007 updated MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin with a new update entry:

Update 2.4 is here

- Inspection is now toggled
- Added sectors
- Uppon entering one, some elements will be disabled (such as some trees)
- Also the toggling distance will be reduced to 30 unites
- Disabled by default! You can enable it in the settings (Enable Sectors)
- Added dirt and highway bridges to toggled items
- Added compatibility with Supercharger and ECU mods

- Moved "Ignore Mod Vehicles" to Others
- Renamed "Go to MOP wiki" to "MOP Wiki"
- Code optimization and...

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Athlon007 updated MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin with a new update entry:

Stop posting meaningless "MOP doesn't work"!

Yes, I'm aware that MOP 2.4-2.4.2 for whatever reason doesn't work for some, but just saying "doesn't work" won't help me fix this!

In order for me to fix MOP I need output_log.txt file, because I'm simply unable to locate the source of the issue.

Where can you find output_log.txt, if MOP doesn't work for you?

Simply navigate to My Summer Car main folder (the folder where mysummercar.exe is located), then go to mysummercar_Data, and there you can find output_log.txt. Please, ATTACH...

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Athlon007 updated MOP - Modern Optimization Plugin with a new update entry:

MOP 2.5 is out!

Note: First game start may take a little longer (depending on how many mods you have), because MOP has to download rule files.

- Added rule files system!
- Added new section in settings: Rule Files
- From now on, all mod compatibility is done via the text files with .mopconfig format, dwonloaded from the remote server
- No need to update MOP in order to add mod compatibility! (At least in most cases)
- Mod compatibility rules can be updated if needed! MOP checks for...

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