At the present moment we are not looking to run any leagues with the SuperV8, however
we have done in the past, but based on feedback from the drivers, it's been agreed that we won't be organising any future leagues with it as it's such a tough car to race in a league environment and led to more complaints than motivation to run a second series with it.
We've been making somewhat of a concerted effort to get more 'newbies' involved in online racing through the
Racing Clubs, because the more people we have learning, the better the racing will get, however it needs to start with easier cars to drive, like the MINI Challenge for example.
If V8's really are the only thing you want to race, then there will occasionally be club races featuring them, however again, due to their relative difficulty, it's not going to be an "every week" thing. But, we are offering a wide range of leagues currently to cater to hopefully most of peoples desires.
Hope to see you out on track!