Japanese UI for GTR2?

I tried to translate GTR2 UI for Japanese.
But it caused garbled characters.
So, I have some questions.
First, does GTR2 have Japanese font?
Second, if not, is it possible to add Japanese font to GTR2?
There are several menu/ui mods around in German, French, and Italian (of course these all use the same alphabet) and some use a different font from default, so it is obviously feasible to change the font. Download a couple of these and see how they did it, hopefully it will also work with Japanese characters. Good luck.
I research fonts in GTR2.
I found that fonts are in UIData\UIAssets.GTR
They are saved as .bmp files.
And all of alphabets are saved.
So, the issue become obvious.
It is how to register Japanese fonts to GTR2.
I think there are 2 ways to do that.
1st, to register Japanese fonts as .bmp files
2nd, to specify a standard windows font(this will enable us to translate GTR2 to languages that use non-alphabetic characters)
Is it possible to do it?

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