@davideliasirwin i agree with most of your points. Im not cynical though, i´m just old and it comes natural
And i had to wait for 25 years until VR went viral again. Don´t understand what took them so long....
The Rift was announced in 2012, the Consumer version 1 came out 4 years later.
Thus far no VR-company has achieved to provide a display with high enough dpi and even if, there is no gpu in the world that is capable of running these displays with natural FOV,
You are right, eye tracking and foveated rendering are making VR more ressource-efficient.
Cell phones were cheap starting from the 90´s, making them mainstream immediatly. They existed long before that, but like VR in the 90´s they were elitist things back then.
One thing though: I was under the impression that VR is not reaching the numbers that would make it commercially lucrative for the big companies and it is a foreseeable investment hole and therefore the development is stagnating as companies and their executive boards are not willing to take that risk. Especially with the development curve still very steep.
So if you have numbers, that would be very informative.
In comparison, nowerdays, with cell phones the development curve is almost flat after they became "smart".