Tracks Is there a way to change the suns pitch and heading to a custom value?

I'm trying to work out if I can manually input where the sun is in the sky. Is there a way to set the coordinates of the sun outside of its predetermined path, so that I can specify where it goes anywhere in the sky?

Closest i've seemed to have gotten is editing the lighting.ini file in the track folder, exept only the SUN_HEADING_ANGLE seems to change its position in one direction and the SUN_PITCH_ANGLE doesn't seem to have any effect.

There isn't really any other files i've found that would seem to make a difference to the suns position...


  • lighting.ini
    55 bytes · Views: 19
If you use CSP weatherfx then no, there's no way to directly set the sun position. It uses astrophysics calculations with your date+time+location of the track to put the sun in the correct place. You can only change which direction on the track is north. With vanilla, the numbers you found will work - heading angle sets where "north" is and pitch angle sets how high the zenith is, and then the time of day determines where in that arc the sun goes.
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