About that... My free trial expired a while ago, and trashreg for some reason is blocked by my server administrator. (internet provider, which is bell) You know another program that does the same thing, and does not have a virus?3dSimEd is king for modding
Its now in 3DsimED!About that... My free trial expired a while ago, and trashreg for some reason is blocked by my server administrator. (internet provider, which is bell) You know another program that does the same thing, and does not have a virus?
UPDATE: I got an older version of 3DsimED, so now it works for another 20 days, only thing i need to know now is how to convert it.
I am lost already, like what .trk file? i dont see a trk file. which export option should I use for rF? "Save Objects" or "Save Objects, add to .MAS"? what is a rFactor GDB? Maybe I should've said I have very little experienceSave the GMT's as rFactor
Extract all the .dds files from the GTL MAP.GTL.
Re name the TRK file to SCN
Copy the skyboxi settings from an rFactor SCN and overwrite the GTL settings
Copy the Location/trackname structure at the top of the rFactor SCN from an existing rFactor track, and change to the name of your track
Add a SKY.MAS file from another track
Get an rFactor GDB and swap all the information.
Add a TDF file.
You can use the GTL AIW file.
Make a folder with the track name. Generally there are two folders, I always use the same name for both.
In the first folder put the SKY.MAS, and in the second folder all the other files.
Basically copy all the files from an rFactor track that you already have.
I think that's it.
i'd guess the reason for the AIW being messed up is because the track was made in Bob's Track Builder. And i'm unsure how well BTB handles a port to GT Legends. I suspect not very good.The GTL track should have a .TRK file. In rFactor it is called the SCN. This has nothing to do with SimEd. It is in the track folder that you are converting.
And yes, just save as rFactor OBJECTS, don't worry about packing them in a MAS file.
The GTL track will have these files in the folder: You open them with NOTEPAD.
rFactor tracks. have the same except the TRK file is an SCN. The only additional file that rFactor has is the TDF file. Which is for the terrain (material; names), GTL has that file in the locations folder and is a TEC file.
If you've never done this before, I don't like your chances of success. I've had a look at the track in GTR2 and the AIW needs a lot of work in the garage area.