I have an Asus G73 laptop with an Intel i7 quad core. It has a factory option to (turbo boost, basicaly overclock) two of the cores when needed. I was racing at Singapore tonight (lots of lights, stars, bling bling) and It seemed to be challenging all my settings which I was running on high. So I hit my turbo boost button....right away the frame rate got better. I mean it just smoothed right out and looked great, but then it started to "syncronize" every 5 - 10 seconds, adjusting the milliseconds or something. I thought maybe if I left the server and rejoined with overclocking already on it would solve this, but it did not. As soon as I turn overclock off, the syncro problem quits. I really don't understand why it would do this. Can anyone shed some light on the subject? On my old laptop I would manually overclock the duo core all the time with positive results. One would think that a factory overclock option would be a stable one, but now I am not so sure.