here seems to be the problem.
4668] QNClient:Connect(); failed to create enet peer; out of connections
Mon Jun 04 01:42:02 (ERR ): [racer/4668] Can't connect to server ''
I'm assuming it's something to do with your "enet peer"
some times a car won't load and it will mention that at the end of the Qlog file
...can't load car, must be version 090...
or some thing like that
server is your computer so there's no problem there
QNClient:connect .... seems to be something to do with the failure your getting
I don't think it would be your virus checker
of course your should only be running one (1) virus checker on one (1) computer or the second one will think the first one is a virus or visa versa
looking at the Qlog you showed us it say your "out of connections"
bloody computer always lead us up a merry path.
I'd follow up with "Camsinny's suggestion first and work out if your card is giving you bogus information, that happens with legacy hardware and software it has not got enough instructions to keep up with new code or hardware it's never heard of.
would be good to know more about the system your running so that others can help you further and maybe tell you to go and spend more
money .. so sad