PC2 How to setup FaceTrackNoir into pc2

I haven't really used it myself, just couldn't get on with it, but did try recently with a tobii eye tracker, using facetrackNoir. Basically, I had to launch PC2 in steam VR mode and then switch to helmet cam before it would work. I also had to use FreeTrack 2.1 "game protocol".

Maybe there is another / better way, but with my limited test, this is how I got it working.
Hope this helps.
the eye tracker is that thing with the leds ?

Tobii 4c: https://tobiigaming.com/products/

IMO, at least as it stands, its not worth it (the eye tracker). It doesn't support any racing titles out of the box and requires virtual joy / facetrack no ir for it to work, amongst other things. The position it needs mounting, the bottom of a screen, means a steering wheel (if used) is also very likely to get in its way, if you look up, it struggles and head tracking isn't smooth. It's ok for Elite Dangerous and maybe some games with native support, but IMO, its not quite there yet.

Track IR / Triple Screen / VR are the way's to go :)
Tobii 4c: https://tobiigaming.com/products/

IMO, at least as it stands, its not worth it (the eye tracker). It doesn't support any racing titles out of the box and requires virtual joy / facetrack no ir for it to work, amongst other things. The position it needs mounting, the bottom of a screen, means a steering wheel (if used) is also very likely to get in its way, if you look up, it struggles and head tracking isn't smooth. It's ok for Elite Dangerous and maybe some games with native support, but IMO, its not quite there yet.

Track IR / Triple Screen / VR are the way's to go :)
tnx! i will see what i will go with !

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