# The data in this section is only for informational purposes
# and will not be used when the config is loaded.
# Modifications here may not change anything.
rfDynHUD_Version = "1.5.0-Beta (build 130)"
Design_Resolution = "1920x1080"
Design_Grid = "(0,0;10,10)"
useClassScoring = "~DEFAULT~" // Ignore vehicles from other classes than the viewed one for scoring?
noUpdateDisableMillis = 500 // The number of milliseconds of no game data update, after which rendering is suspended.
tvConfiguration = "overlay.ini" // Slave Widget Configuration, that will be displayed when TV camera is selected.
FasterColor = #FF0000
PositionItemColorLeader = #BE00BEC0
PositionItemColorMe = #FF0000C0
PositionItemColorNextBehind = #00FF00C0
PositionItemColorNextInFront = #0000FFC0
PositionItemColorNormal = #686869C0
PositionItemFontColor = #000000
SlowerColor = #05FF00
StandardBackground = #000000C8
StandardFontColor = #FFFFFF
BiggerFont = "Arial Black|PLAIN|16va"
PositionItemFont = "Verdana|BOLD|9va"
ReizaBorder = "backgroundcolor_border.ini"
StandardBorder = "backgroundcolor_border.ini"
class = "stock.standard.StatusFlagsWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = CENTER_CENTER // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 0.0% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = -30.000002% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 140px // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 100px // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "~DEFAULT~" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = "~DEFAULT~" // top padding
paddingLeft = "~DEFAULT~" // left padding
paddingRight = "~DEFAULT~" // right padding
paddingBottom = "~DEFAULT~" // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
showGreenAfterBlue = "~DEFAULT~" // Whether to show the green flag after the blue flag disappeared
showGreenTime = "~DEFAULT~" // Number of seconds to display the green flag after thrown (-1 for forever)
imageGreen = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageYellow = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageBlue = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageRed = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageRedYellow = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageWhite = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageBlack = "~DEFAULT~" //
imageChequered = "~DEFAULT~" //
class = "stock.standard.MapWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = BOTTOM_LEFT // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 0.0% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = 22.685184% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 29.097223% // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 37.22222% // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "~DEFAULT~" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = "~DEFAULT~" // top padding
paddingLeft = "~DEFAULT~" // left padding
paddingRight = "~DEFAULT~" // right padding
paddingBottom = "~DEFAULT~" // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
font = "~DEFAULT~" // The used font.
fontColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's font color in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
rotationEnabled = true // Map rotation enabled?
rotationSmoothing = "~DEFAULT~" // Smooth out jolty waypoints around corners for rotation calculation?
maxDspRoadLength = 250 // Maximum road length in meters to be displayed at once (0 for infinite).
sillyWaypointFix = "~DEFAULT~" // If greater than 0, waypoints are ignored outside of this distance value.
roadColorSec1 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road and sector 1 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadBoundaryColorSec1 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road boundary and sector 1 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadColorSec2 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road and sector 2 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadBoundaryColorSec2 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road boundary and sector 2 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadColorSec3 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road and sector 3 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadBoundaryColorSec3 = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the road boundary and sector 3 in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
pitlaneColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the pitlane in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
roadWidth = 8 // The width of the roadin absolute pixels.
itemRadius = "~DEFAULT~" // The abstract radius for any displayed driver item.
markColorNormal = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for all, but special cars in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
markColorLeader = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the leader's car in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
markColorMe = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for your own car in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
useMyColorForMe1st = "~DEFAULT~" // Use 'markColorMe' for my item when I am at 1st place?
markColorNextInFront = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the car in front of you in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
markColorNextBehind = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the car behind you in #RRGGBBAA (hex).
displayPosNumbers = false // Display numbers on the position markers?
displayNameLabels = "~DEFAULT~" // Display name label near the position markers?
nameLabelPos = "~DEFAULT~" // Positioning of the name labels.
nameLabelFont = "~DEFAULT~" // Font for the name labels.
nameLabelFontColor = "~DEFAULT~" // Font color for the name labels.
class = "stock.telemetry.ControlsWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = BOTTOM_RIGHT // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 21.597221% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = 0.0% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 60px // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 128px // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "<NONE>" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = 6 // top padding
paddingLeft = 6 // left padding
paddingRight = 6 // right padding
paddingBottom = 6 // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
font = "DokChampa|BOLD|22va" // The used font.
fontColor = "#FFFFFF00" // The Widget's font color in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
horizontalBars = "~DEFAULT~" // Extend the bars horizontally instead of vertically?
swapThrottleAndBrake = "~DEFAULT~" // Swap throttle and brake order?
displayClutch = "~DEFAULT~" // Display the clutch bar?
clutchImage = "~DEFAULT~" // The image for the clutch bar. (overrules the color)
clutchColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the clutch bar in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
displayBrake = "~DEFAULT~" // Display the brake bar?
brakeImage = "~DEFAULT~" // The image for the brake bar. (overrules the color)
brakeColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the brake bar in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
displayThrottle = "~DEFAULT~" // Display the throttle bar?
throttleImage = "~DEFAULT~" // The image for the throttle bar. (overrules the color)
throttleColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The color used for the throttle bar in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
gap = "~DEFAULT~" // Gap between the bars
labelOffset = 200 // The offset for bar text from the left or bottom boundary of the bar.
class = "stock.timing.StandingsWidget" // The Java class, that defines the Widget.
positioning = BOTTOM_RIGHT // The way, position coordinates are interpreted (relative to). Valid values: TOP_LEFT, TOP_CENTER, TOP_RIGHT, CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_CENTER, CENTER_RIGHT, BOTTOM_LEFT, BOTTOM_CENTER, BOTTOM_RIGHT.
x = 0.0% // The x-coordinate for the position.
y = 0.0% // The y-coordinate for the position.
zIndex = "~DEFAULT~" // A z-index, to sort Widgets by.
width = 302px // The width. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
height = 128px // The height. Use negative values to make the Widget be sized relative to screen size.
border = "<NONE>" // The widget's border.
paddingTop = "~DEFAULT~" // top padding
paddingLeft = "~DEFAULT~" // left padding
paddingRight = "~DEFAULT~" // right padding
paddingBottom = "~DEFAULT~" // bottom padding
initialVisibility = "~DEFAULT~" // The initial visibility.
background = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's background (color or image).
font = "~DEFAULT~" // The used font.
fontColor = "~DEFAULT~" // The Widget's font color in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
fontColor_me = "~DEFAULT~" // The font color used for myself in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
fontColor_out = "~DEFAULT~" // The font color used for retired drivers in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
fontColor_finished = "~DEFAULT~" // The font color used for finished drivers in the format #RRGGBB (hex).
useGapColoring = "~DEFAULT~" // Use separate font color for faster and slower gaps.
useAutoWidth = "~DEFAULT~" // Automatically compute and display the width?
initialView = "~DEFAULT~" // the initial kind of standings view. Valid values: RELATIVE_TO_LEADER, RELATIVE_TO_ME.
forceLeaderDisplayed = false // Display leader regardless of maximum displayed drivers setting?
nameDisplayType = SHORT_FORM // How to display driver names.
showLapsOrStops = false // Whether to show the number of laps or stops done or not.
abbreviate = "~DEFAULT~" // Whether to abbreviate "Stops", or not.
showTopspeeds = false // Whether to show a topspeeds column or not.