DiRT Rally How good is Dirt Rally?

I'm someone who doesn't relax easily. My relaxation is being immersed in something where I do not think about anything.

I have found Dirt Rally. What a sim it is.

Ayrton Senna said when he raced Monaco his mind would adapt to Monaco like a deep, dark tunnel. I get that here. Listening to co-driver, moving weight of car from corner to corner, sheer bliss.

Dirt Rally is extraordinary, I love it more than words,
Getting back to Dirt Rally after the small disaster that was Dirt 4 makes me appreciate it even more.

Nothing puts a smile on my face like when I take my Fiat 131 out in the forrest for a spin. The RWD handling, the fantastic sound, the stages. It truly is brilliant!
I still don't understand why people complain so much about the tarmac handling of DR. I don't think it's *that* bad. The only real issue I have with tarmac in DR is Pikes Peak.

As for the FFB, be sure to not have the damper and spring turned off in your wheel's control panel. Dirt Rally is using these forces to model its FFB, if you turn those down (as way too many people always do, because they've been told you're supposed to do that), you lose a lot of the tyre feel.
D4 didn't seem that much different than DR, just better ffb and tarmac handling (although not amazing!).. Cant see the big deal over DR really its still a codemasters rally game... i can get away with silly/unrealistic manoeuvres in DR as i can in D4?!

(damper doesnt change the awful lifeless ffb/handling)

Think I'm so over Codemasters rally games now, theres better on the market!
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