Historic Eve and Mcr2000


Hi just been racing rFactor 2 again off line and forgot how good it is, but would like to solve a couple of problems with 2 of my fave mods Historic Eve and the Mcr2000 in these mods the engine sound in cockpit is virtually non existent does anyone know a setting or a fix for these cars ?
A couple of years ago, S397 gave rF2 a MASSIVE sound update. 3rd party cars, however, were left to the mod authors to try and meet the new sound requirements. Many mods either did not want to continue working on the cars or had already left rF2. So those cars, and it sounds like your favorites are among those, have very inconsistent or just plain wrong sounds.
The best that you can try is to fiddle with the sliders in the sound options under LEGACY. That will give you 'some' adjustments. But probably not a complete solution.
Hi Thanks for reply, that is quite sad as these mods are excellent.
This is one example why S397 was vacillating about rF3 or other major updates to the engine. Even IMPROVING the sound causes older content to suffer. I think if LMU continues to grow, we might finally see rF3, but 99% of the current offerings from rF2 will never see the new sim.
As far as the sound: Settings> Sound> on the bottom left is "LEGACY SETTINGS" I have mine set at
Sound effects volume 11%
Engine Volume 100%
Tire Volume 95%
External volume ratio 63%

Sounds great to me, and if I have to I adjust the volume of my external speakers with the volume knob on the speakers themselves.
Only Eve I know of you can hear to drive is the F3 Eve Community mod as DJC re-packed it with mono audio
( I think that is the rough quick fix ? )

What Eve and s Sparks need to re-packed with other fixes and a Regular and Guest skin packs.

I tried my hardest to get this off the ground for years, I never had enough money to pay for all 6, only the 1. If I did I would have done it for everyone.
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The other option of course is to go back to build with other sound sliders.
This way you could raise onboard way above outside.
Although I think the momo fix is still next best fix.
Having to do that with stock content is ridiculous and shows how little
faith they put in historics along with they (ISI) simply never had the funds.

How would they ? rF2 was the kicking post from day 1 :coffee:
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If someone wants to make a proposal for updating all Eve and Spark I listening.
Maybe we can put together a deal ?
I be willing to throw in a few 100 bucks to get it rolling.

P.S. Back to old tyres :coffee:

I mean S397 don't mind which is another great thing.
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Hi Thanks Johnny Speed those settings work for the Eve cars but not with the Mcr2000 still no engine sound in cockpit.
Thanks Durge Driven for link to F3 Eve Community mod it is awesome.
Hi Thanks Johnny Speed those settings work for the Eve cars but not with the Mcr2000 still no engine sound in cockpit.
Thanks Durge Driven for link to F3 Eve Community mod it is awesome.
3 years late, but there will supposedly be an update to the Reiza cars/tracks that would hopefully address these sound issues. But, we have no idea when it will finally see a release.
@roguk , I don't recall having a issue with Reiza's MCR2000 but I could be mistaken. I will test and see if the sounds work for me when I can get to my PC. Maybe later tonight, or tomorrow for sure. Will report back when I can.
There are a couple of guys that have been working on Eves and Sparks (F3's to start). Access to others, though probably not the full series as there were so many cars, is also possible. Got an invite to spend the day with a guy from a British series who basically said, "bring your camera and tape measure and go nuts so they can get heaps more data. Coming along but won't be for a while as they are going to need models done and of course, wait til they find out where rF2 is heading.

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