GT5 Help Testing a Feature

When someone creates a lobby using one of the new DLC tracks, non-DLC owners are still able to join the lobby and race as normal. The lobby creator can even disconnect and the lobby will remain open and available to join for everyone as long as it is never empty. This we already know.

What I am wondering concerns personal lobbies. From the GT Home option menu you can set the basic preferences to be used for your personal lobby. One of those preferences is the track that should be loaded by default. People on your friends list are able to join your lobby at any time, regardless of whether you or anyone else is in there or not. So what I am wondering is if a DLC track is set as the default, are non-DLC owners able to join your lobby at any time and use the track?

To find out I have set my personal lobby to use one of the DLC tracks, namely Kart Space I. I would like someone that does not own the track DLC to try and enter my lobby when I am not in there myself. Let me know what happens!
Great, thanks for trying Bradley. Next time I'm on I'll set the track to Spa so that everyone can give it a try.

It also means that non-DLC owners will be able to practice in my lobby for Club events held on Spa. :good:
My lobby is now set to Spa. Feel free to try out this great track if you don't have the DLC. The only condition is that you leave the lobby if asked to do so as I may need it for private testing purposes on occasion. :)

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