rF2 GTR and Corvette @ Malaysia Full Loop - Wednesday 31st of July

rFactor 2 Racing Club event

Event Details
Car: Corvette and Nissan GTR
Track: Malaysia Full Loop
Mod: here
Weather: Random
Road condition:Green - Natural processing
Tyre wear: x2

Time Schedule
19:00 GMT - Practice
19:30 GMT - Qualification
19:40 GMT - Warm-up
19:45 GMT - Race 2x 20 minutes

Server and Teamspeak password:click here

Entry list:
  1. Ian Franssen
  2. Andrew Ford
  3. Driver
  4. Driver
  5. Driver
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
Tries to make it: Calum Mclure

As always pay attention to the Golden Rules for licensed members.
I think that was the first team draw @ian franssen ?


Inspite of the low turn out (thanks Ian, dave, Brewer, magnussen et all) was great fun learning rfactor 2 with random weather.
i really cannot drive a wet track in dry tyres but started to get the hang of it in wet tyres. in a short race such as those, you need a bit of luck.

i'm glad i didn't know what the weather was at the beginning of the second race. it must tell me somewhere but the dry's worked i guess.

cheers again Ian:thumbsup:
That was indeed good fun on track Andrew:thumbsup:
Those changing weather conditions made it extra fun, not knowing what the weather would do:) . You picked for the second race the right set of tyres, my raintyres we completly shot at the end as the track became really dry. Looking forward racing you on track again Andrew:thumbsup:

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