Hmmm, I'm not entirely convinced that this is the way to go...for now...for open events at least. Racing in teams sounds like a great idea for dedicated leagues and such, but might drive away casual -but serious & clean- racers who are just looking for a "quick" & good race with like-minded folk ?
I feel that racing in teams requires a certain amount of "social bonding" between team members, as well as a sense of responsability towards one another (imagine being in a race and a team member fails to show up...). Speaking for myself: I just don't have the time in my life for that, no offense. For a newbie like me, this would take things to a whole new level of "seriousness" in which I just cannot invest...
But like I said, that's just speaking for myself. In general, I think it could open up whole new paths of growth for as a platform.
In light of what I wrote above, it would be great if you could keep doing both types of events. In any way: keep up the good work !