game crashes on several tracks

Hello, I have a problem with some modded tracks.

A few days ago to be exact, I wanted to try my hand at 3DSimEd. I didn't stay there long, but I saw that several tracks, mainly those created by SRW, were not working. The game crashes while loading.

I reinstalled the game and downloaded the tracks again, thinking that I had accidentally replaced some files, but it didn't help.

Someone would be able to help me?

Thank you in advance for all your advice.
I will add, that now all files ending in .trk have the file type "3DSimEd Object"

I don't think this was the case before, but I don't know if that could be a problem

Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-24 110630.png
First off, make sure the tracks are compatible with your game version and any other mods you’ve got going. Sometimes files can get corrupted, so it’s worth re-downloading them from a trusted source.Since you’ve reinstalled the game, try clearing out any old files and folders related to the game before you install it again. This can help avoid conflicts.Also, check if there are any updates for the tracks or the tools you’re using, like 3DSimEd. Sometimes new versions fix bugs or improve compatibility.If you can, look at any crash logs or error messages the game might be generating—they can give you hints about what’s going wrong.

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