In the coming weeks we will prepare ourselves to move towards the newest version of Xenforo.
We say bye bye to our beloved 1.1.x series and take the plunge into 1.2.x
In order for a smooth transition we do have to disable some forum add-ons we were running at RaceDepartment so if you are missing a feature here and there, you now know why that is
When the migration will be completed all current functionality will of course return as most of them are now part of the new core software (yaay 4 tagging!!)
ETA of upgrade is not yet known however in the meantime we will be cleaning up some add-ons.
We say bye bye to our beloved 1.1.x series and take the plunge into 1.2.x
In order for a smooth transition we do have to disable some forum add-ons we were running at RaceDepartment so if you are missing a feature here and there, you now know why that is
When the migration will be completed all current functionality will of course return as most of them are now part of the new core software (yaay 4 tagging!!)
ETA of upgrade is not yet known however in the meantime we will be cleaning up some add-ons.