When you budget is 3759 and there are 12 races to go
Donate to BRM?When you budget is 3759 and there are 12 races to go
What do I have to gain from such a donation?Donate to BRM?
Depending on the sum, the full packet of BRM merchandise, a tour through our factory, and a taxi ride with one of our drivers in the first F1 double seater.What do I have to gain from such a donation?
If you add some free gyros it is happeningDepending on the sum, the full packet of BRM merchandise, a tour through our factory, and a taxi ride with one of our drivers in the first F1 double seater.
Can I have a gyro, too?If you add some free gyros it is happening
DealIf you add some free gyros it is happening
yep, won't be any for the rest of the season, no point to it.Everything's ok except I didn't see the Sauber, Tyrrell and BRM buys ('suppposed there won't be any)