lol if they add that im just not gonna download the update, t doesnt help me in any way, a f1nose isnt gonna fly through the screen for me and the extra geometry is bad for performance.So what happens when 2018 rolls in? Will this mod be updated to new 2018 specs?
I've been racing on server with friends that host each race along with the F1 calander. So be nice to continue that into 2018
Please no halo hehe
but someone will be like, b-but you need the new physics its a simulation. screw that, ill copy the kn2 for the current car and rename any parts with changed names in content manager. If they add the visor windshield thing then I wouldnt have a problem.
If they added both then we all win
Still find it weird that the windshield didnt win, dozens of documented cases of it bouncing 20mm rounds and smaller 12.7mm 50cal rounds in fighter jets. The kinetic force has to be way higher on those compared to this halo with a limited area of effect.